Governor Christie’s first budget was passed by the Legislature before the June 30th deadline, but not before three Republican holdouts, Michael Doherty in the Senate and Allison Littell McHose and Michael Patrick Carroll in the Assembly vowed not to vote for the $29.4 billion budget and the supplemental bills containing tax hikes.
Archive for June, 2010
It’s the spending and the income tax, stupid
The New Jersey state budget is in perpetual crisis. Every year the governor and the legislature engage in the June 30th soap opera: Will a budget be in place by the June 30th deadline? Or, will there be a state shutdown because the legislature failed to pass a budget in time for the upcoming fiscal year?
Sean Hannity is a liberal…or worse
Sean Hannity supports the war on drugs. Libertarian journalist John Stossel supports the legalization of all drugs. Hannity, a self-described conservative, grudgingly admitted that he could support the legalization of marijuana but never the legalization heroin or crack cocaine. Hannity and John Stossel “duked” it out for a few minutes on Stossel’s Fox Business Cable weekly show last week, debating the merits of drug legalization. Read the rest of this entry »
Another reason to abolish the income tax
Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme ripped off thousands of investors, foundations, colleges and universities, and financial institutions for as much as $50 billion. Over the years, investors paid taxes on capital gains and interest their accounts supposedly generated for them. But after Madoff confessed to the largest private Ponzi scheme in history did investors realize they had been victimized twice, once by Bernie and the second time by the government that taxed their nonexistent gains.
Consolidation is in the air: How about Bergen County to the City of Bergen?
For years governors, legislators and others have been advocating “shared services” as a way for towns to hold the line on costs and thus halt the rapid rise of property taxes that has been plaguing New Jersey municipalities for decades. The Legislature may get an opportunity to do more than just advocate shared services; it may force Teterboro in Bergen County to be split among the four adjoining municipalities. Read the rest of this entry »
Another small step for the freedom movement
Although Tea Party candidates were shut in last night’s primaries except for Anna Little, who is holding on to the slimmest of leads in the 12th congressional district GOP primary, they made more than a respectable showing. Particularly impressive was Dave Corsi’s near upset of heavily favored, well financed, establishment candidate Scott Sipprelle in the 6th congressional district. Read the rest of this entry »
Guest column, Dr. Alieta Eck
ObamaCare, Tried in Greece, Leads to Bankruptcy, Rioting & Bloodshed
Some people learn from others’ mistakes, and some have to “learn the hard way.” Will America follow the lead of countries who have actually tried their own version of ObamaCare, or could we still learn from their mistakes? In a remarkable statement, the International Monetary Fund has recommended that, before any bailouts are considered, the Greek government must privatize transportation, energy and health care to rein in costs. The IMF recognizes that increased government involvement in health care does not save money. It also does not lead to better health care.
The economy sucks: Thanks Obama and Bush, Bernanke and Greenspan and the gang of plunderers AKA as the Congress of the United States
If the U. S economy is recovering from the financial crash and housing bubble of the past several years, it is at best a subpar performance, given the employment data that was released last Friday. Although 431,000 new jobs were created in May, the vast majority were temporary census positions (411,000). The private sector increased the number of jobs by 41,000, and the unemployment rate declined slightly to 9.7%.
Choose free enterprise
Governor Christie announced the creation of a nonprofit organization, Choose New Jersey, to help revitalize the state’s economy. The mission of Choose New Jersey is to market New Jersey’s “strategic strengths” by making the state more attractive for businesses to relocate here and expand their operations if they are already doing business in the Garden State.