While I was driving home Tuesday evening, I listened to President Obama’s State of the Union address for a few minutes on the radio. Obama’s speech was vapid with an insightful phrase thrown in here and there to show he really is a champion of free enterprise and middle-class values. Obama sounded like a cross between Vince Lombardi and the head of the Chamber of Commerce.
Archive for January, 2011
Americans overwhelmingly support Ponzi schemes
According to a New York Times/CBS News poll, Americans want less federal spending instead of paying higher taxes to reduce the deficit. However, about two thirds of Americans would prefer higher payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security rather than seeing any cutbacks in benefits. In other words, Americans rightfully oppose higher taxes to solve the federal government’s unconscionable spending polices, but they also want to perpetuate the greatest Ponzi schemes in human history, Social Security and Medicare.
Crime and punishment
On Friday, January 14, Lakewood police officer Christopher Matlosz was shot three times sitting in his patrol car after he stopped a pedestrian for “routine questioning.” After a massive search, police arrested the alleged killer 19 year old Jahmell Crockam, who is known as “Sav,” as in savage, on the streets. Crockam is in custody; his bail has been set at $5 million.
Is Chris Christie a collectivist?
At a town hall meeting in affluent Bergen County last Thursday, where many of the state’s most plundered taxpayers live, Governor Christie did what he does best, speak bluntly and interact seamlessly—according to press reports–with the public. Read the rest of this entry »
Despite Christie’s cheerleading and rhetoric, New Jersey needs an “extreme makeover”
In his State of the State address, Governor Christie asserted New Jersey “is improving–getting better every day.” Let’s look at the record.
Government violence: the real evil in the world
Before I sat down to write this essay I checked, as I always do every morning, www.lewrockwell.com to see what some of the best columnists on the web had to say about national and world events. Today, their analysis of the reactions of the political class and the pundits on talk radio and cable television to the shootings in Tucson did not disappoint.
For better education outcomes: separate education from government
The New Jersey Supreme Court heard arguments on January 5th about the constitutionality of Governor Christie’s state aid cutbacks to the Abbott school districts this year. The $1 billion dollar cut to all school districts included a 100% cut to some suburban school districts. In short, the income tax, which is supposed to provide property tax relief to all homeowners, has become a tool to redistribute income from middle and upper income suburban individual and families to failed urban school districts throughout the state.
Willie Sutton economics: rob the rich to balance the budget
According to a recent “60 Minutes”/Vanity Fair poll, 61% of Americans want to raise taxes on the “rich” to balance the budget. The next popular option is reducing defense spending. Cutting Medicare or Social Security is not very popular. Less than five percent of those polled want to reduce the federal government’s Ponzi schemes.
When is a Ponzi scheme “not” a Ponzi scheme? When the government runs it.
The first wave of baby boomers turned 65 on 1/1/11, making them eligible for Medicare, joining their parents, aunts and uncles and other relatives in one of the greatest Ponzi schemes created by any government. Instead of acknowledging that it is running a Ponzi scheme that is trillions of dollars in the hole, the federal government’s propaganda continues to extol the virtues of a government health insurance program that kicks in for its citizens when they turn 65 years old.
The thugs, misguided and parasites rule America
If you have high blood pressure, you do not want to read Steven Malanga’s Shakedown: The Continuing Conspiracy Against the American Taxpayer, unless you have taken a mega dose of your medication.