Archive for October, 2016

Trump wins according to AI

28 Oct

An artificial intelligence (AI) system puts Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the election race.

Source: Trump will win the election and is more popular than Obama in 2008, AI system finds

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Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential election


Will the masks predict a Trump victory?   

28 Oct

“Thanks to one historically accurate, if unscientific, presidential polling metric, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton may be in for a frightening Halloween. According to reports from national retailers, sales of Donald Trump Halloween masks lead sales of Clinton masks 55 percent to 45 percent.”

Source: Hillary can’t mask this poll predicting the Donald’s victory – Personal Liberty®

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Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential election


Hillary’s drunken sailor binges…

28 Oct

Hillary’s arrogance and contempt for taxpayers.  

“[ TRANSCRIPT ] Now, in another new report, we are learning that Hillary Clinton’s State Department wasted hundreds of millions of your hard-earned taxpayer dollars on a wild spending binge. Here ar…”

Source: Trump Speech on Clinton’s Lavish State Department Spending… | The Last Refuge

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Posted in Donald Trump, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Spending, State Department, Warfare state


Trump moving the needle in FL and NC

28 Oct

“The media continues to sell a specific election narrative that’s in their best interests.  To sell the narrative they generally rely on “Media Polls”.  We had previously predicted…”

Source: Update Florida and North Carolina – Early Vote/Ballot Data Show Advantages for Donald Trump…. | The Last Refuge

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Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Media, Presidential campaign, Presidential election


The case for Donald Trump? Why Hillary should not get anywhere near the Oval office, again

28 Oct

I will be a guest on Lee Elci’s morning talk show Monday, Oct. 31 at 8:35am.  You can listen to it on the Internet,


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Posted in Donald Trump, Economy, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Free markets, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Presidential election, Warfare state, Welfare state


Paul Krugman’s crystal ball is a little fuzzy

28 Oct

Robert Wenzel takes down Krugman’s forecasting abilities.  

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Posted in Debt, Economy, Federal Government


President Hillary will declare war on the Internet

27 Oct

Source: Articles: All the News That Fits

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Posted in Civil liberties, Constitution, Federal Government, Housing market, Individual rights


The Halloween indicator?  Trump is a shoo-in

27 Oct

Source: Hitlary’s Hallowe’en Mask

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Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign, Presidential election


The uber welfare state coming to America?

26 Oct

“Ghazia A. – whose full name has not been disclosed – fled Syria in 2015 and headed to the town of Montabaur (pictured) viaTurkey, accompanied by his huge clan.”

Source: Syrian refugee’s hand-outs for his FOUR wives and 22 children 

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, Middle East, Refugees, Welfare state


The voters should demand a comprehensive medical evaluation.  Hillary is not well.  

26 Oct

“Top aide Huma Abedin warned the Clinton campaign team in a 2015 e-mail that Hillary was “still not perfect in her head” and would have to “stick to notes” during an event. The e-mail is among…”

Source: Huma email reveal: Hillary ‘still not perfect in her head’

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Posted in Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


What freedom of the press?  

26 Oct

“From the beginning, I was just dumbfounded by the charges.  They seem to come from out of nowhere.  I was doing my job.”

Source: Press Freedom? Dakota Access Pipeline Documentarian Faces 45 Years In Prison For Filming Activists

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Posted in Civil liberties, Individual rights, Property rights


The case for impeach Clinton and Obama

26 Oct

“The Impeachment of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for High Crimes in Syria and Libya” by Michael Ostrowski and James Ostrowski makes a strong case that both the current president and the former secretary of state committed impeachable offenses in Syria and Libya. Reviewed by Patrick Krey.

Source: Impeaching Hillary

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Human rights, Middle East, President Obama, Presidential election, Warfare state


The Clintons love to fly

26 Oct

All this info can be found in the Clinton Foundation’s 990 tax form posted on the foundation’s website.  


“Bob Woodard, the journalist who broke the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon to resign, has come out to say that Hillary’s Clinton Foundation is “corrupt” and…”

Source: Hillary Spent $25 Million from Clinton Foundation on Private Jets | Armstrong Economics

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Corruption, Hillary Clinton, Nonprofits, Presidential campaign


The New McCarthyism…led by Hillary 

26 Oct

“I’m often taken to task by some of my readers for characterizing the current anti-Russian hysteria as “McCarthyism.” After all, they say, Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right – there were, indeed, high-ranking individuals in the US government covertly sympathetic to the Soviet regime. And, yes, we now know that many of these were working directly …”

Source: ‘McCarthyism,’ Then and Now – Original by —

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Russia, Warfare state


Is there an honest person in DC?  

25 Oct

“The latest hacked emails from WikiLeaks highlight how the news that Hillary Clinton used a private server sent the White House and her campaign scrambling.”

Source: ‘We Need to Clean This Up’: Clinton Aide’s Newly Public Email Shows Concern

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, President Obama, State Department