Rep. Dana Rohrabacher reportedly offered the White House a deal to get Julian Assange out of legal trouble.
Source: A GOP congressman reportedly offered Trump a deal on absolving WikiLeaks’ Assange
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher reportedly offered the White House a deal to get Julian Assange out of legal trouble.
Source: A GOP congressman reportedly offered Trump a deal on absolving WikiLeaks’ Assange
Florence and I attended the annual gala for BVMI (, a nonprofit health center in Hackensack, which honored their “champions” for their volunteer services. I am a founding trustee of BVMI, which treats low-income individuals at no charge, partners with hospitals in the area to provide health care services. BVMI is based on the volunteers in medicine model that began in Hilton Head, SC in the mid-1990s. I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Jack McConnell soon after the Hilton Head facility opened after I read an article in the New York Times about Dr. M.
“(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — In an interview with RT in 2015, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uttered perhaps one of his most intriguing statements since the Syrian conflict erupted in 2011. Assad stated: “Western propaganda has, from the very beginning, been about the cause of the problem being the president. Why? Because they want to portray the whole problem in Syria lies in one individual; and consequently the natural reaction for many people is that, if the problem lies in one individual, that individual should not be more important than the entire homeland. So let that individual go and things will be alright. That’s how they oversimplify things in the…”
Source: Syria’s President Exposed a Flaw in US Foreign Policy That No One Wants to Talk About
“Free speech can be so inconvenient. A growing number of Democrats like the First Amendment’s guarantee of the right to free speech and assembly, but only for themselves and for those who agree with…”
Source: EDITORIAL: The inconvenience of free speech
“In recent years, I’ve increasingly suspected that when it comes to foreign policy, the realists offer some of the most sane observations.”
Source: The Neoconservatives Have Declared War on the Realists
Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has learned his lesson, and it is this: it’s better to be bold. He’s exchanged the mealy-mouthed equivocations of his ill-fated presidential run – when he actually met with Bill Kristol, presumably to negotiate getting a break from his neoconservative nemeses – with a full-on frontal assault against the War Party. … Continue reading “Rand Paul’s Comeback”
Source: Rand Paul’s Comeback – Original
“For the past eight years, conservatives made repealing Obamacare their mantra. Conservative commentators made it the primary theme of their op-eds. Conservative politicians made it the theme of their political campaigns. Conservative educational foundations and think tanks made it the subject of the…”
Source: Healthcare Socialism Is Healthcare Quackery
Did the doomsday clock on the petrodollar (and implicitly US hegemony) just tick one more minute closer to midnight? Apparently confirming what President Maduro had warned, following the recent US sanctions, The Wall Street Journal reports that Venezuela has officially stopped accepting US Dollars as payment for its crude oil exports.”
Source: De-Dollarization Spikes – Venezuela Stops Accepting Dollars For Oil Payments
“I have to believe that the Fed injected a large amount of liquidity into the financial system on Sunday evening. The 1.08% jump in the S&P 500, given the fundamental backdrop of economic, finan…”
Source: “Things Have Been Going Up For Too Long”
“Here is what it means to live under the Constitution today.”
“In short… it looks like full employment, rising inflation and signs of growth are going to force normalization, at which point the bond music stops and we all realise financial assets have been dancing naked in the Emperor’s New Clothes lap-dancing bar as the proverbial tide goes out! That’s a prospect that must terrify Draghi and other central bankers.”
Source: Bill Blain: “This Is What Terrifies Draghi And Other Central Bankers”