Source: Rand Paul Condemns Budget Deal, Declares Tea Party Dead
Archive for July, 2019
If The Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates Now, It Will Be An Admission That A Recession Is Coming
So there is a lot of buzz that the Federal Reserve is about to cut interest rates – and it might actually happen. We’ll see. But if it does happen, it will directly contradict the
Source: If The Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates Now, It Will Be An Admission That A Recession Is Coming
Trader Warns “The Fed Is Poised To Make Its Latest Policy Error”
The S&P 500 sits at record highs. That’s a good thing. Yet we need to get it higher to combat growing inequality and populism?
Source: Trader Warns “The Fed Is Poised To Make Its Latest Policy Error”
Trump adds $4.1 trillion to national debt. Here’s where the money went
President Trump’s first term will add $4.1 trillion to the national debt since 2017 once he signs the recent budget deal as expected next week.
Source: Trump adds $4.1 trillion to national debt. Here’s where the money went
The Next Solar Cycle Begins in 2020 & May be a Panic Decline in Solar Activity | Armstrong Economics
The GOP’s stupid swoon for big government
Conservative nationalists are now selling the virtues of industrial policy. Big mistake.
Source: The GOP’s stupid swoon for big government
The thoughtless waltz into war with Iran
The endless tit-for-tat between the US and Iran is dragging both closer to the edge.
Source: The thoughtless waltz into war with Iran
Williams Warns, We’re “Entering A Period Of Perpetual Money-Printing”
“Perpetual quantitative easing (money printing) is frightening, and it’s a new world. No one has ever seen anything quite like this.”
Source: Williams Warns, We’re “Entering A Period Of Perpetual Money-Printing”
Donald Trump, Big Spender – The Future of Freedom Foundation
As much as conservatives would like to believe that the Trump administration has been different from the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations, the fact is that all three administrations have been one long disastrous continuum. Not only has Trump continued the forever wars that Bush and Obama waged, he has also continued every single socialist, interventionist, and imperialist program maintained by his predecessors, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the minimum wage, the regulated economy, the war on Continue Reading
Source: Donald Trump, Big Spender – The Future of Freedom Foundation
My book is now available on Amazon…Click on the link below.
Fed Chairman Powell and his predecessors do not want you to read this book. Ditto for easy money/low interest Trump. Please order one for yourself and another for your best friend, or a colleague, or a neighbor, etc. Ask them to do the same. If the book has a high Amazon ranking, the sky’s the limit as far as having a national discussion about the need for the Federal Reserve, given all the negative effects of its manipulation of interest rates.

A synopsis of my book that I wrote in May 1976! CNN Goes Hardcore Promotion of Socialism; The Right Goes Anti-Free Market
The convergence of left and right…into one big government party–a conclusion I reached in 1971!
Source: CNN Goes Hardcore Promotion of Socialism; The Right Goes Anti-Free Market