Source: Fed-Driven Asset Price Inflation Means You Can Now Buy Less House Than You Could Before | Mises Wire
Archive for February, 2020
Fed-Driven Asset Price Inflation Means You Can Now Buy Less House Than You Could Before | Mises Wire
New Jersey’s income tax
I sent the following letter to The Record in response to the front page story.
Regarding “Millionaires tax in NJ still sparks questions” (February 24, page 1A).
I moved into New Jersey just after the state income tax became law in 1976. The people were told that a modest virtually flat rate income tax would finally solve the property tax issue. Not surprisingly, for more than four decades income tax rates have become more “progressive,” meaning that the highest rates have increasing faster than the lowest rates.
However, property taxes have continued to rise for more than four decades because local spending, primarily on schools and law enforcement, also have increased at unsustainable rates, despite the 2% cap on local property tax increases of the past few years.
In short, state government spending has been increasing faster than people’s incomes, and to pay for the increasing burden on the people of New Jersey Trenton politicians have focused their “takings” on the most successful individuals and families in our state.
The solution to the unconscionable tax burden on the people of New Jersey – and the continuing exodus of middle and high-income earners – is nothing short of a “cultural revolution.” This is the theme of Frank Chodorov’s classic critique of the income tax in 1954, The Income Tax: The Root of All Evil.
The truth of the matter is taxing Peter to pay Paul reflects the redistributionist philosophy of the political class, and unfortunately the public’s embrace (even Republicans are jumping on the high-tax train) reveals the successful propaganda of the left-wing agenda of the past century.
Target Liberty: The Socialists Are Getting Deadly Serious and Every Individualist American Should Be Very Concerned
Trump’s legacy: The triumph of socialism
The Case Against Political Activism
American politics is in crisis. Is this because of the Constitution, or in spite of it? For many libertarians, the Constitution is a dead letter. Nobody alive today signed it or consented to it. And
Source: The Case Against Political Activism
Report Blasts 16 NJ Towns For ‘Waste, Abuse’ Costing You Millions | Patch
It’s cronyism, stupid.
Source: Report Blasts 16 NJ Towns For ‘Waste, Abuse’ Costing You Millions | Patch
Thank you note from a Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise scholarship recipient
Dr. and Mrs. Sabrin,
I was ecstatic to learn that I was chosen to receive the Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise Scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year. Thank you for the monetary support and helping me complete an undergraduate education at Ramapo College of New Jersey….
…One of my favorite legacies that I have observed is the mark that you have left on the college, Dr. Sabrin. Your Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise does more than educate students on the free market ideals. Your center gives young people permission to have opinions that deviate from the overwhelming majority of attitudes that dominate college campuses. The center provides people with the feeling that it is okay to believe in different things or to think a different way from their colleagues or peers. The liberating legacy of the center is immeasurable.
As a student in the Anisfield School of Business, I have had the opportunity take several classes that have reinforced my belief in the free-market. Both microeconomics class and macroeconomics class have taught me about the benefits of an economy free from large amounts of government regulation. The free-market is best way to minimize deadweight loss and foster social advancement.
Thank you again for your generosity.
Please visit The Sabrin Center to view its mission and its past programs.
Freelancers Are Rising Up In Opposition To California’s “Gig-Worker” Law
Is a California Brexit coming?
Source: Freelancers Are Rising Up In Opposition To California’s “Gig-Worker” Law
The 25th anniversary
My first book was published 25 years ago. If all the policies I proposed in Tax Free 2000 were implemented, virtually all American households and individuals would be financially independent; the size and scope of the federal government–and all levels of government–would be substantially reduced, and irrelevant in our lives, and most importantly we would not have endless wars. In short, we would have a free economy based on voluntary exchanges and relationships. In addition, instead of spending billions of dollars on political campaigns, the people could use their money to better their lives and those in their communities via the nonprofit sector.
If we had a tax-free America there would have been no Obama or Trump presidency, because the federal government would have become a minimlist state. That is a goal to work toward.
Tax Free 2000 is still available on Amazon.

Demanding Answers: Business Owners In Grand Central Terminal Say Homeless Population Is Taking Over – CBS New York
The breakdown in civilized society is accelerating. The Democrats have no social norms. Anything goes. Damn property rights.
Hollywood Elite Go Full Commie –
Why we need to counter the leftist ideology in American…or we will be in big trouble.
Source: Hollywood Elite Go Full Commie – LRC Blog
Ice and Fire – The Future of Freedom Foundation
The relationship between conservatism and libertarianism is a tenuous one. However, such was not always the case. Fellow travelers of both groups were united in opposing Roosevelt’s New Deal. The work of the late economist Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) on the “Old Right” is indispensable here. After World War II, the political right was generally opposed, not only to “domestic statism,” but also to war, foreign intervention, and “American statism in the international arena.” But after the death of the Continue Reading
Source: Ice and Fire – The Future of Freedom Foundation