“If the Covid vaccines work, why are highly vaccinated countries like Israel and the United Kingdom seeing spikes in caseloads?”
Source: Vaccines, reasons for concern, part 3
“If the Covid vaccines work, why are highly vaccinated countries like Israel and the United Kingdom seeing spikes in caseloads?”
Source: Vaccines, reasons for concern, part 3
“COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing how you are the only one capable of forecasting this trend years in advance. I have been attending your WEC events since 2011. You…”
Source: Inflation On Track into 2024 | Armstrong Economics
Ron Paul makes the case. The income tax is incompatible with liberty and prosperity. MS
Source: True Civil Libertarians Must Oppose the IRS
“Writes Tom Woods: It’s incredible how dumb most political discussion in America is. Take a position on something and you’ll instantly be told that you “must be” a supporter of [insert name of politician]. I’m much too idiosyncratic, by the standards of American political discourse, to be much of a “supporter” of anybody, although when credit is due (as is surely the case with Ron DeSantis) I give it. But if we’re going to pretend that what happened in American life — in terms of the media, the Deep State, and the universities, for starters — between 2016 and 2020 … “Continue reading →
Source: The lizard people finally went too far – LewRockwell
“The marchers’ efforts were depicted on video that circulated among Spanish-speaking audiences in Cuba and the United States.”
Source: ‘Down with the dictatorship:’ Cuba erupts with mass protests seeking freedom from Communism
“Every FIAT currency in history has disappeared or become worthless. Since 1971 the US dollar lost 98% of its value against gold.”
Biden’s medical fascism is here. Getting businesses to implement vaccine mandates. MS
“Eric Clapton took the vaccine and now can no longer perform. He said: “The vaccine destroyed me – I now live with pills due to neuropathy.” The sad part of this…”
Source: Can you Sue an Employer Who Mandates Vaccines? | Armstrong Economics
“Although Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.)—the son of former House member and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul—would identify more as a conservative and a constitutionalist than a libertarian, he is certainly the most libertarian member of the U.S. Senate.Private charity, personal choice—this is the essence of a free society.[Click to Tweet] Sen. Paul is usually the top scorer on The Freedom Index: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution, published in the New American” Continue Reading
Source: Private Charity, Personal Choice – The Future of Freedom Foundation
” I received a tip from a friend in the intelligence community that the British Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ — the United Kingdom’s domestic and foreign spies — had been asked by the CIA to spy on candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 U.S presidential election campaign. He elaborated that Trump’s claim that “someone tapped my wires” was essentially true. The tip was potentially explosive, so I ran it past two other friends in the intelligence community, and they confirmed it. When I went public with this, all hell broke loose … Continue reading →
Source: In Defense of Tucker Carlson – LewRockwell
“It seems almost everywhere you look, people are looking to the so-called “experts” to tell them what they should think about a given topic.”
Source: Doug Casey on Why Most People Outsource Their Thinking to “The Experts”
“Baselessly accusing people of being Russian agents and weaponizing accusations of sexual misconduct are reputation-destroying cancers at the heart of liberal discourse.”
Source: An Ugly War Among Leftist YouTubers Shows Two Common, Toxic Pathologies Plaguing U.S. Politics
“I really have to wonder what is truly going on behind these vaccinations. The death toll keeps rising because there is no verification whatsoever with these…”
Source: Biden Going Door-to-Door To Push Gates’ Vaccines | Armstrong Economics
Common sense eventually wins out. MS
“In the fall of 2016, I was a left communist. As any Marxist can tell you, ideology can blind one to the insights that might disrupt one’s political adhesions. Only it was Marxist ideology itself that..”
Source: How a Marxist of Twenty-Five Years Became a Misesian Libertarian
“Spain is just putting it all out there. There is new legislation that effectively allows the total end of democracy and All freedom in Spain and this is just…”
Source: Spain Revealing the Totalitarian Future for All | Armstrong Economics