Archive for the ‘Crony capitalism’ Category

What two-party system?

21 Sep

Robert Wenzel takes down Sen. McConnell’s surrender to the Democrats.  George Wallace was right, there’s not a dime’s difference between the Democrats and Republicans.


Doing immigration the right way

20 Sep

Source: Missing Ingredient to Solving the Refugee Crisis: Common Sense | MishTalk

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Foreign policy, Free markets, Immigration, Individual rights, Middle East, National borders


Calling Donald…free trade increases prosperity

19 Sep

“In a targeted attack against trade with China, Donald Trump has claimed that America has lost high paying manufacturing jobs to China because China promotes its exports through subsidies, tax advantages, and currency…”

Source: Free Trade Brings Abundance — Protectionism Brings Scarcity | Mises Wire

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Donald Trump, Economy, Federal Government, National borders, Presidential campaign, Trade


Consummate insider economist tells the truth about crony trade agreements

19 Sep

Robert Wenzel presents the “confession” of Noble Laureate Joseph Stiglitz. 

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Government, Free markets, Politicians, Trade


Danger for investors

19 Sep

“…anybody with any objective, critical, independent mind can tell this is an unsustainable, very ephemeral rally in stocks that has occurred since 2009. And when the bond market breaks, when that bubble bursts, it will wipe out every asset — everything will collapse together — because everything is geared off of that so-called ‘risk free’ rate of return.”

Source: Michael Pento: “These Are The Most Dangerous Markets I’ve Ever Witnessed”


Taking Janet Yellen to task

19 Sep

“Playing Politics In honest capitalism, you do what you can to get other people to voluntarily give you money. This usually involves providing goods or services they think are worth the price. You…”

Source: Janet Yellen’s Shame

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve, Free markets, Inflation, Interest rates


 Worse Than 1929?

18 Sep

“Greg Hunter’s  Economic expert and best-selling author David Stockman offers a dire view of the deep financial trouble America faces in his new book titled “Trumped!”   Stockman war…”

Source: USA Watchdog Interview: Current Stock And Bond Bubbles Much Worse Than 1929


Wall Street and the federal government’s revolving door

18 Sep

For another perspective on the revolving door see Murray Rothbard’s monograph, Wall Street, Banks and American Foreign Policy.

“April 2015, Zero Hedge: “Gregg Berman will find a hospitable and well-paid position after spending 6 years defending the well-paying HFTs lobby. In all likelihood Berman will join the NY Fed’s shadow trading desk and the world’s most leveraged hedge fund, Citadel itself.”September 2016, WSJ: “Gregg Berman joins Citaldel.”

Source: The SEC’s Former Top “HFT Expert” Joins HFT Titan Citadel

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Posted in Banks, Crony capitalism, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Military-industrial complex, Politicians, Warfare state


Unraveling the warfare state

17 Sep

Source: ‘Peace and Prosperity 2016′ – The Movie


Follow the Fed’s-and crony capitalists’-money

17 Sep

Source: Hillary’s Sicko Relationship – LewRockwell

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Posted in Central banks, Corruption, Crony capitalism, Donald Trump, Federal Reserve, Presidential campaign, Warfare state, Welfare state


Joe Salerno grades Trump’s economics

16 Sep

“Donald Trump has announced his economic advisory team and unveiled a preliminary broad brush economic program that his prospective administration would implement. He has promised to fill in the details of his America First Economic Plan as the election approaches.”

Source: Grading Trump’s Economic Policy

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Donald Trump, Economy, Free markets, Government debt, Presidential campaign


Massive paper gold dump!

15 Sep

Is someone or institution or government trying to manipulate the gold market?

“At 8:30 a.m. this morning, 10 minutes after the Comex gold pit opens, over 70 tons of gold was dropped into the entire Comex trading system.  If this happened on the NYSE, one of the ECN’s (u…”

Source: Someone Dumped 70 Tons Of Paper Gold At 8:30 a.m.

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Gold


Roger Stone on the Clintons and Trump

15 Sep

a_002Last night political operative Roger Stone spoke at the Middlesex County Republican Women’s Club and had a book signing afterwards (The Clintons’ War on Women).

In more than 40 minutes of remarks Stone made the following points (the list is not exhaustive):

  • Stone is concerned that the election could be rigged because electronic voting machines can be easily hacked
  • The nomination was stolen from Bernie Sanders because 12 states had electronic voting machines that were probably hacked to give Clinton victories in states she lost
  • Former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was Clinton mole to help rig the primary for Hillary
  • Bill Clinton is a sexual predator with a long history of abuse against women
  • Hillary Clinton has run the cover-up of her husband’s sexual abuses by hiring lawyers to develop dirt on Bill’s accusers
  • Hillary is a congenital liar; Putin has met Hillary Clinton and think she’s a liar
  • The Clinton Foundation is a slush fund for the family and has received multi-million dollar bribes
  • Because Hillary used an unsecured private server while she was Secretary of State, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Israel and other countries probably have Hillary’s emails
  • Trump is an ardent nationalist who by no means is a perfect candidate and wants to have detente with Russia unlike Hillary who is making belligerent statements against Putin
  • Trump is a tough negotiator and should do well in international negotiations with other countries.  He does not want the US to engage in endless wars
  • The 1994 crime bill President Bill Clinton signed, which was responsible for the massive increase in incarceration of black and Hispanic youth because of draconian drug law penalties, will have an impact on minority turnout and support for Hillary

Roger Stone spoke without notes and did not miss a beat. He is an articulate spokesman for Trump’s candidacy and a “take no prisoners” critic of the Clintons. If Trump wins in November, Roger Stone’s expose of the Clintons would have proved invaluable.

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Posted in Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Crony capitalism, Democrats, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton


Will the election be postponed?

12 Sep

“Dave: I believe the Deep State postponed the election today, using Clinton’s probably staged “health event” as the opening act of a drama that will unfold over the next several da…”

Source: Guest Post: Did The Deep State Postpone The Election?


War and peace…

12 Sep

…the defining issue of our time.

Source: The Truth About War and the State – LewRockwell