Archive for the ‘Crony capitalism’ Category

One really dumb idea for New Jersey—bank socialism

11 Sep

The state cannot fund the Transportation Trust Fund properly and Phil Murphy wants more crony capitalism in the Garden State.  What do you expect from a former executive of Goldman Sachs—the epicenter of of crony capitalism in America. 

“New Jersey deposits billions in commercial banks, and the money leaves the state. Phil Murphy asks: Why not build a state-owned bank and keep the money here?

Source: Phil Murphy’s opening bid: A promising plan on economy | Moran

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Posted in Banks, Crony capitalism, Democrats, New Jersey, Socialism


Free trade vs. crony trade deals

10 Sep

“Our own Senior Fellow Dr. Mark Thornton recently appeared on Press TV to make the libertarian case for real free trade, as opposed to unholy negotiated trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.”

Source: Mark Thornton: Against Crony Trade Deals

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Foreign policy, Trade


Hillary Clinton reveals why the neocons love her

04 Sep

When will the anti-war Democrats awake from their stupor?

Source: Hillary Clinton’s American Legion Speech Deconstructed

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Democrats, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


The problem with trade deals

02 Sep



“You have probably heard of the controversial TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the deal that Hillary Clinton can’t make up her mind on.”

Source: Free Trade Wins: The TTIP Is in Trouble | Mises Wire

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Democrats, Federal Government, Free markets, Hillary Clinton, Trade


Clueless central bankers

02 Sep


“As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are Clueless By Egon von Greyerz The more things change, the more they stay the same. The financial world loves focusing on some future event that the…”

Source: As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are Clueless | GoldSwitzerland

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Posted in Banks, Crony capitalism, Interest rates, Money, U.S. Dollar


Revolt of the masses?

01 Sep

every-generation-needs-revolution“Hillary represents everything that has gone wrong in our lives over the last couple of decades…she sees the European Union as a prototype for an even bigger form of world government…what we’ve done is given inspiration to freedom fighters right across the Western World.”

Source: Nigel Farage Warns “The Establishment Is Losing Control Over The People”


Liars in DC

01 Sep

paul-wolfowitz“Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them? Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Wolfowitz and the lies that he told in the high government positions that he held…”


Source: Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them? — Paul Craig Roberts –


The coming collapse of paper money?

01 Sep

92853-004-E3A33057“ – supporting local economies, barter networks, farmers initiatives, and alternative currencies backed by tangible commodities.”

Source: The Central Banks Are Now Ready To Launch Their ‘Brave New World’

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Interest rates, Money


The Fed’s massive manipulation

31 Aug

“The Federal Reserve, with its bargain-basement interest rates, is also hurting capitalism, bond king Bill Gross says.”

Source: Bill Gross: The Fed has mastered market manipulation

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Federal Reserve, Interest rates


Hillary’s network

31 Aug

Hillary schmoozes with the high and mighty. 

Source: Hillary Clinton’s Intimate Relationship with the Rothschild Banking Dynasty, The Shadowy Network of Super-Elites

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Presidential campaign


Why are central bankers annihilating savers with their interest rate policies? 

31 Aug

The greatest monetary experiment in history will blow up. 

“Well, clearly there are different responses to negative rates. If you’re a saver, they’re very difficult to deal with and to accept, although typically they go along with quite decent equity prices. But we consider all that and we have to make trade-offs in economics all the time and the idea is the lower the interest rate the better it is for investors.”

Source: Stanley Fischer’s Bizarre Justification For Negative Rates

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Posted in Central banks, Crony capitalism, Federal Reserve, Interest rates


Who Rules America

30 Aug

Source: The Deep State and the Unspeakable – LewRockwell


Hillary’s frenetic schedule as secretary of state

30 Aug

“A CNBC reporter looked at nearly 4,000 pages released by the State Department of Clinton’s daily schedule, offering a rare glimpse into her life.”

Source: What I learned reading 3,721 pages of Hillary Clinton’s schedule

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Crony capitalism, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, State Department, Warfare state


You’ve been warned!

29 Aug

Source: How Jim Rogers Is Preparing


Free Trade is good.  Protectionism is anti-consumer.

24 Aug

Source: Trump is Wrong on Trade

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Donald Trump, Free markets, National borders, Politics, Presidential campaign, Property rights, Trade