How will Ben be remembered? The great statist.
“In the space of a mere eight years, the former US Federal Reserve Bank Chair Ben Bernanke has managed to achieve what Vladimir Lenin could barely conceive.”
Source: Goodbye Lenin, Hello Bernanke
How will Ben be remembered? The great statist.
“In the space of a mere eight years, the former US Federal Reserve Bank Chair Ben Bernanke has managed to achieve what Vladimir Lenin could barely conceive.”
Source: Goodbye Lenin, Hello Bernanke
The federal government needs a foreign foe to take the people’s minds off the rotten domestic polices, maintain and build up the military-industrial comple and do the bidding of our so-called allies.
“By Jeff Faux at the Nation Where are you from?” the elderly man asked politely, as my wife and I strolled through his small Iranian village in early May. “America,” I answered. “Wonderful,” he said…”
Source: Debunking Washington’s Big Lie—–Why Iran Is Not Our Enemy | David Stockman’s Contra Corner
“One of the more preposterous deeds of modern central banking involves creating digital monetary credits from nothing and then using the faux money to purchase stocks. If you’re unfamiliar with this erudite form of monetary policy this may sound rather fantastical. But, in certain economies, this…”
Source: Destination Mars | Economic Prism
“Is the Real Scandal the Clinton Foundation?,” TRNN, July 8, 2016.Michael Hudson says the media has failed to look beyond the emails and into potential conflicts of interest during Hillary…”
Source: The Clinton Foundation?
Sen. Booker is no friend of consumers.
“A bipartisan bill was just introduced by Senators Cory Booker (D, NJ) and Mike Lee (R, UT) aimed at preventing federal programs that were…”
Source: USDA and Agribusiness Cartel Plot to Destroy a Small Business
Central banks’ manipulations are causing enormous distortions in the financial markets and the economy. The next bubble bursting will be HUGE.
“Markets don’t believe the Fed will really raise interest rates this year, but traders may be missing something.”
Source: Here’s how the Fed could surprise you
Trump supposedly going for the “establishment” choice. He should have chosen New Jersey state senator Mike Doherty for many reasons not the least of which he opposes the cronyism that drives American politics.
“I hope Pence is not true,” Coulter wrote.
Source: Ann Coulter: VP pick is Trump’s first mistake | TheHill
Public authorities have become too powerful, having control over the private sector. Another dagger in New Jersey’s reputation. No wonder businesses are hesitant to relocate here.
“Federal authorities have charged former state Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox with conspiring to commit bribery, in a count tied his role as a lobbyist for United Airlines and the case against…”
Could be worse than the stock market and housing bubbles.
“Sometimes an apt juxtaposition is worth a thousand words, and one from this morning’s news is surely that. Last year Japan lost another 272,000 of its population as it marches resolutely…”
Source: Bubbles In Bond Land——It’s A Mania! | David Stockman’s Contra Corner
When will the top occur? The $64,000 question.
Source: Chart Of The Day: Stock Averages Up 3X More Than Nominal GDP Since 2007 Peak
A compelling case to get debt under control and not raise the “gas tax.” Murray Rothbard made the case to repudiate the national debt in 1992.
Source: Grossman: Trust fund and Atlantic City should declare bankruptcy