Archive for the ‘Democrats’ Category

And Democrats ride the high moral ground with America’s political equivalent of “Bonnie and Clyde”

03 Jul

Why are people so afraid of the Clintons?

“She can’t help herself. Even yesterday, with the political world fixated on her meeting with FBI agents, Hillary Clinton had her flack mislead the public. A spokesman said she gave a “voluntary” ”

Source: Loretta Lynch falls under the Clintons’ corrupting influence

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Posted in Crime, Democrats, Leadership, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


The last hurrah for the Clintons?

02 Jul

Were the Clinton’s set up?  Or are they just that arrogant?

“It’s common knowledge in law-enforcement circles that, while FBI staffers believe Hillary Clinton should face some charges over her handling of classified government information through her private…”

Source: Lynch may be forced to charge Hillary after Bill’s shady powwow

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Posted in Crime, Democrats, Judiciary, Politics, Presidential campaign


How Hillary became a proponent of the military-industrial complex

01 Jul

According to Hillary, Vietnam and Iraq were “mistakes.”  The deaths of millions of innocent people are mistakes in Hillary-world.

“An incorrigible belief in the purity of one’s motives is among the most dangerous endowments a politician can possess.”

Source: The Roots of Hillary’s Infatuation with War

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Posted in Constitution, Democrats, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Human rights, Military-industrial complex, Politicians, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Does this mean Hillary’s goose is cooked?

01 Jul

Here comes the Biden/Warren ticket?  If so, all hell is going to break out at the Democratic convention. Bernie’s people are going to go ballistic


“The move by Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch would eliminate the possibility that a political appointee would overrule investigators.”

Source: Lynch to Accept F.B.I. Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry, Official Says

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Posted in Democrats, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


An unhappy 40th anniversary for the income tax; Republicans got outsmarted once more | Mulshine

28 Jun

The income tax is the root of all evil, so wrote Frank Chodorov in 1954.  We have seen it here in New Jersey for four decades.  The Supreme Court is responsible for forcing the State of New Jersey to expropriate more of the people’s income in the name of “fairness.”


“When the income tax was passed back in 1976 the Republicans could have forced real property-tax reform; instead they got outsmarted by the Democrats – and not for the last time”

Source: An unhappy 40th anniversary for the income tax; Republicans got outsmarted once more | Mulshine

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Posted in Democrats, Education, Income taxes, New Jersey, New Jersey Supreme Court, Property taxes


Cutting taxes is always good; government spending must be reined in

28 Jun

The annual kabuki dance in Trenton known as the budget negotiations is a mixed bag as usual. Reducing the sales tax is long overdue.  The income tax should be reduced as well.   The passing out of the estate tax is off the table as well as the charitable deduction.  Deductions are good; they reduce taxes.  Spending is increasing.  We will see how much spending Gov. Christie will eliminate from the proposed budget.  


“Governor Christie and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto on Monday upended the plan to fund transportation projects and instead tried to pass their own: Raise the gas tax by about 23 cents per gallon, and in exchange chop the state sales tax over two years from 7 percent to 6 percent.”

Source: Sales tax cut may help offset pain at the pump – News –

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Posted in Democrats, Economy, estate tax, Income taxes, New Jersey, Politics


N.J. Dems introduce $34.8B budget with more money to fight poverty

23 Jun

Economic illiterates on display in Trenton–again. Stunning ignorance.  You don’t fight poverty, you work your way out of poverty.  New Jersey needs jobs, not high taxes, not onerous regulations, and certainly not more entitlements.   


Democrats want to add spending to fight poverty.

Source: N.J. Dems introduce $34.8B budget with more money to fight poverty

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Posted in Democrats, Economy, Employment, Politics, Poverty, State government, Welfare state


Christie’s proposal is half way to education freedom

22 Jun

Governor Christie’s public school aid funding proposal would treat each child “equally,” that is, the state would send every school district the same amount for each child in its school district.  Most school districts would get a huge increase in state aid so that should mean substantially property tax relief for suburban taxpayers, assuming of course the school districts pass along the new aid in the form of lower property taxes.  The criticism from the usual suspects is disingenuous.  Instead of applauding the fact that many of their constituents would finally get property tax relief,  which was the goal of the 1976 income tax, suburban legislators are voicing their objections, because urban districts would be “shortchanged.”  

Despite what the state constitution regarding education funding and a series of state Supreme Court rulings, there is no reason education should be provided by the government.  In fact, education should be provided by teachers, parents and others, without the need for taxpayers to shell out an obscene amount of money for an education monopoly.  The case for delinking government and education has been made by several analysts such as Sheldon Richman, John Taylor Gatto, and Samuel Blumenfeld, among others.

Education  socialism is expensive and has failed to educate urban students effectively.  It is time for education freedom.  Christie gets us one step closer.


 Seeking to bypass the state Supreme Court, upend three decades of education funding and lower property tax  bills, Governor Christie will spend the summer campaigning for a sweeping new plan to spend the same  amount of money on every student in the state — regardless of where they live.

Source: School aid: Christie proposes equal funding statewide – News –

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Posted in Democrats, Education, Income taxes, New Jersey, Politics, Property taxes, State government


Clinton money machine and politics

22 Jun

Hillary and Bill Clinton  are the ultimate political entrepreneurs.  In other words, they have used their political positions to enrich themselves.  The hackers have all the goods on them.    


Moments ago the newswires lit up with news that the Clinton Foundation was among the organizations breached by suspected Russian hackers (who in reality is just one hacker, and he is Romanian). Among the numerous documents leaked is a file titled

Source: Clinton Foundation “Hacked By Russians”, “Foundation Vulnerabilities” Document Leaked | Zero Hedge

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Posted in Crime, Democrats, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Military-industrial complex, Politics, Presidential campaign


If you want an even more aggressive foreign policy, you have your candidate

20 Jun

A Hillary Clinton presidency risks World War III.  Do her supporters understand that she is a 100% warmonger? 

A foreign army consisting of 31,000 soldiers from an anti-American alliance are conducting military “exercises” a few miles from San Diego. Hundreds of tanks converge on the Rio Grande, while jets from 24 countries converge in attack formation, darting through Mexican skies. It isn’t hard to imagine Washington’s response. Yet that’s precisely what has been […]

Source: The New Iron Curtain – Original

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Posted in Democrats, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Military-industrial complex, Uncategorized, Warfare state


The killing fields of Chicago

17 Jun

Source: Target Liberty: Going Into the Weekend in Rahmaland: 3 dead and 13 wounded in shootings

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Posted in Crime, Democrats, Gun control


Democrats: the party of death

17 Jun

The Democratic Party controls both houses of the New Jersey state legislature. Yesterday, in a procedural maneuver, the Democrats prevented Gov. Christie from reducing the onerous requirements to legally carry a firearm in the state. Although the Democrats are congratulating themselves for blocking Gov. Christie’s desire give New Jersey firearms owners the right to protect themselves and their families in public, the obvious take away from the Democrats’ actions are simple: they do not want people to be able to defend themselves in public venues like Orlando nightclub where 49 innocent souls were defenseless because it was “gun free zone”. Gun free zones are invitations to any one bent on committing mass murder.

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Posted in Civil liberties, Crime, Democrats, Gun control, Human rights, New Jersey