Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

A proposal for “tax fairness” and provide funds for the Transportation Trust Fund

01 Jul

Gov. Christie and legislative leaders are at impasse. They could not agree on a package of tax cuts and a hike in the “gas tax”, a user fee, (which is the only “fair” way to fund roads and bridges in today’s political environment) provide tax relief for the people of New Jersey and fund the depleted Transportation Trust Fund. The governor has ordered transportation projects halted as of today even though there appears to be enough money to fund projects until August 1.

Rather than go over all the details in the Sarlo-Oroho compromise that appeared to have enough bipartisan support to pass both houses of the legislature with enough votes to override Gov. Christie’s veto, the governor at the last moment calls for a 1% drop in the sales tax to 6% in the name of “tax fairness”.

If Gov. Christie wants more “tax fairness” in New Jersey, he should reduce all taxes for individuals and businesses. All taxes are unfair because they are coerced from the people who earned the income being taxed in the first place. In other words, all taxes should be cut, anytime not only for “fairness” but also to provide more of the resources people and businesses need to achieve their goals in life.

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Posted in Economy, estate tax, Gas tax, Income taxes, Leadership, New Jersey, Politicians, Politics, Property taxes


A dissent on multiculturalism

30 Jun

“Economics professor Walter Williams begs to differ on creating a multicultural society.”


“German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that multiculturalism has “utterly failed,” adding that it was an illusion to think Germans and foreign workers could “live happily side by side.” The failure of multiculturalism is also seen in Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and other European countries. Immigrants coming from Africa and the Middle East refuse to assimilate and instead seek to import the failed cultures they fled.”

Source: Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept – Walter E. Williams

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Posted in Economy, Ethnicity, European Union, Immigration, National borders, Politics


You Won’t Believe What Michael Moore Just Tweeted About Brexit

29 Jun

Another economic illiterate.  Wants stuff free.  Does that include his films?


“Liberals talk about how much they value the voice of the people, but they don’t actually care about it unless the majority happens to agree with them.”

Source: You Won’t Believe What Michael Moore Just Tweeted About Brexit

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Posted in Economy, European Union


History of Money in America: From Beads to Virtual Currency

29 Jun

Fascinating synopsis.


“See the evolution of money in the United States – going from the beads used by Native Americans to modern digital tech. The history of money changes fast.”

Source: History of Money in America: From Beads to Virtual Currency

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Posted in Economy, Money


College is not for everyone

29 Jun

The comeback of the blue collar worker? 

“In the next decade, as many as 25 million new job openings will be middle-skills positions that will not necessarily require a four-year degree.”

Source: Giving Young People an Alternative to College

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Posted in Economy, Education, Higher education, Innovation


Jim Rogers on Brexit: ‘Worse than any bear market you’ve seen in your lifetime’ – Yahoo Finance

29 Jun

Legendary investor Jim Rogers sees the potential for the breakup of the United Kingdom, the European Union, and other countries in Europe, leading to major economic turmoil.

Source: Jim Rogers on Brexit: ‘Worse than any bear market you’ve seen in your lifetime’ – Yahoo Finance

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Posted in Economy, European Union


Robert Wenzel’s smackdown of Donald’s trade ideas

29 Jun

Source: Does Donald Trump Understand Free Trade?

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Posted in Economy, Federal Government, Trade


Cutting taxes is always good; government spending must be reined in

28 Jun

The annual kabuki dance in Trenton known as the budget negotiations is a mixed bag as usual. Reducing the sales tax is long overdue.  The income tax should be reduced as well.   The passing out of the estate tax is off the table as well as the charitable deduction.  Deductions are good; they reduce taxes.  Spending is increasing.  We will see how much spending Gov. Christie will eliminate from the proposed budget.  


“Governor Christie and Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto on Monday upended the plan to fund transportation projects and instead tried to pass their own: Raise the gas tax by about 23 cents per gallon, and in exchange chop the state sales tax over two years from 7 percent to 6 percent.”

Source: Sales tax cut may help offset pain at the pump – News –

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Posted in Democrats, Economy, estate tax, Income taxes, New Jersey, Politics


Greenspan Warns A Crisis Is Imminent, Urges A Return To The Gold Standard

28 Jun

Greenspan is reverting to his 1966 analysis, Gold and Economic Freedom.


“We’re dealing now in very early days a crisis which has got a way to go.  If we went back on the gold standard and we adhered to the actual structure of the gold standard as it exited prior to 1913, we’d be fine.  Remember that the period 1870 to 1913 was one of the most aggressive periods economically that we’ve had in the United States, and that was a golden period of the gold standard.”

Source: Greenspan Warns A Crisis Is Imminent, Urges A Return To The Gold Standard

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Posted in Business cycle, Economy, Federal Government, Federal Reserve, Gold standard, Stock market, U.S. Dollar


Hillary Clinton Really Has Not Understood the Brexit Vote

27 Jun

Hillary is supposed to be one of the smartest women in the US and on the planet.  More evidence she is clueless.  


“As one who campaigned for a number of years for yesterday’s Brexit vote, that Britain should leave the European Union, of course I am not unbiased upon this subject. However, that also does mean that I’m aware, well informed even, on what actually happened here. And as such I can […]”

Source: Hillary Clinton Really Has Not Understood the Brexit Vote

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Posted in Economy, European Union, Federal Government, Leadership, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


Government screws up trade around the world

26 Jun

“According to the mercantilist dogma held by nearly all politicians and pundits (and, yes, also by the People), the best possible outcome for any country – call it country A – whose government is negotiating a trade deal is the following: the government of A arranges for the maximum possible number of citizens of A […]”

Source: The Idiocy of Mercantilism – Cafe Hayek

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Posted in Economy, Foreign policy, Politics, Trade


Ex-Soviet Economist on Comrade Hillary – LewRockwell

25 Jun

According to Yuri Maltsev, the choice in November is clear.


Source: Ex-Soviet Economist on Comrade Hillary – LewRockwell

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Posted in Economy, Federal Government, Foreign policy, National borders, Politicians, Presidential campaign


Five reasons Brexit could signal Trump winning the White House – BBC News

24 Jun

Why the pundits keep on getting it wrong.



Why Britain’s referendum on leaving the EU is linked with the US election and a possible President Donald Trump.

Source: Five reasons Brexit could signal Trump winning the White House – BBC News

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Posted in Economy, European Union, Politicians, Presidential campaign


N.J. Dems introduce $34.8B budget with more money to fight poverty

23 Jun

Economic illiterates on display in Trenton–again. Stunning ignorance.  You don’t fight poverty, you work your way out of poverty.  New Jersey needs jobs, not high taxes, not onerous regulations, and certainly not more entitlements.   


Democrats want to add spending to fight poverty.

Source: N.J. Dems introduce $34.8B budget with more money to fight poverty

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Posted in Democrats, Economy, Employment, Politics, Poverty, State government, Welfare state


The sharing economy booms for boomers

23 Jun

Free enterprise in action.  Entrepreneurship addresses people’s needs better than politicians and bureaucrats. 

There’s an old business opportunity that’s getting a lot of attention from young companies. Thank baby boomers.

Source: The sharing economy booms for boomers

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Posted in Economy, Healthcare, Innovation, Nonprofits