We are at February 2007 levels, which was the peak of the housing bubble.
Improving supply increased choice for buyers, suggesting the economy remains on solid footing.
Source: US existing home sales hit 9-year high
We are at February 2007 levels, which was the peak of the housing bubble.
Improving supply increased choice for buyers, suggesting the economy remains on solid footing.
Source: US existing home sales hit 9-year high
Big government is anti-liberty. Period. Jeff Deist explains it.
Decentralization and devolution of state power is always a good thing, regardless of the motivations behind such movements.
Source: Brexit: Individualism > Nationalism > Globalism | Mises Wire
The Federal Reserve has painted itself in a box. Raising interest rates would destabilize the economy. Keeping rates well below “normal” creates more distortions in the economy. What should be done? Ending the Fed would be a good place to start so the money manipulators in DC could no longer create inflation and booms and busts. Also, making the dollar as gold should be the goal of the federal government.
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said Tuesday that the U.S. economy faces a number of uncertainties that require the Fed to proceed cautiously in raising interest rates.
Source: Yellen says uncertainties justify cautious approach – Business – NorthJersey.com
Government officials have lied thorough their teeth about the income tax (rates would not go up, Ha), Federal Reserve (the dollar’s purchasing power would be stabilized), Social Security (rates would never go up, income subject tot the tax would never up), Medicare (future costs would be reasonable, doctors would be fairly compensated) and Medicaid (costs would be reasonable, doctors would be paid fairly) over the past 100 years to get their big government legislation passed. If you believe government officials about the future costs about any new tax or social program, I have a bridge to sell you.
Six months in advance of a planned exit from NJ, UnitedHealthcare no longer covers care provided at Hackensack University Medical Center for people who bought coverage on healthcare.gov.