Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Is the stock market going to fizzle?

12 Jul

Looks good for now, but how much longer will stocks keep going up?

Source: Top Three Reasons Why This Rally Won’t Last

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Posted in Business cycle, Economy, Interest rates, Stock market


Bernanke is one crazy dude…

12 Jul

…according to David Stockman

“Ben Bernanke is one of the most dangerous men walking the planet. In this age of central bank domination of economic life he is surely the pied piper of monetary ruin. At least since 2002 he has be…”

Source: Bernanke’s Black Helicopters Of Money

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve, Free markets, Inflation


Go south and west

11 Jul

“Figuring out where to retire after decades of working can be a tough choice. Bankrate has its top picks and recommendations of places to avoid.”

Source: Best and worst cities for retirement according to

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Posted in Economy, Money


Here comes inflation

11 Jul

Easy money is doing its thing…higher prices are here and may go higher.

“Inflation is creeping higher and will soon force the Federal Reserve to re-examine the wisdom of keeping short-term interest rates low, says economist Paul Ashworth, the winner of the Forecaster of the Month contest for June.”

Source: Inflationary pressures are already building, top forecaster says

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Economy, Federal Reserve, Inflation, Interest rates, Money


Private security…responding to consumer demand

11 Jul

How a free, decentralized society would keep people and neighborhoods safe. 


“Abolition of the public sector means, of course, that all pieces of land, all land areas, including streets and roads, would be owned privately, by individuals, corporations, cooperatives, or any other voluntary groupings of individuals and capital.”

Source: Privatize the Police | Mises Wire

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Posted in Crime, Economy, Free markets, Individual rights, Police, Politics, Property rights


Central bankers never learn

11 Jul

“The reason why anyone would buy negative-yielding debt is actually pretty simple: Because they have to.”

Source: Negative rates leading to ‘day of reckoning’ fear on Wall Street

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve, Interest rates, Money, Politics, U.S. Dollar


The key to a peaceful world

11 Jul

“National and individual choice in a post-Brexit world: secession is a human right.”

Source: All People Have the Right of Self Determination | Foundation for Economic Education


Money, Money, Money

11 Jul

The money printers are on overdrive.  

“When we first heard this past Thursday that private blogger and Citadel employee Ben Bernanke was going to “secretly” meet with both the BOJ’s Haruhiko Kuroda and Japan PM Abe, we warned readers that “something big was coming.” Two trading days later, with the USDJPY higher by 200 pips and soaring after something big indeed came overnight from Japan: nothing less than the first “lite” instance of helicopter money.”

Source: “Something Big” Indeed Came – Bernanke’s Japan Visit Unveils “Helicopter Money”, Sparks Monster Rally

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Economy, Inflation


Greenspan does a 180

10 Jul

“Faking It   Under a gold standard, the amount of credit that an economy can support is determined by the economy’s tangible assets, since every credit instrument is ultimately a claim on some tan…”

Source: Alan “Bubbles” Greenspan Returns to Gold


Before the Fed economic growth was impressive

10 Jul

Yes, there were many recession (shaded gray areas), the Depression of 1893-1896 and the Panic of 1907, yet living standards rose relatively steadily.  

Courtesy of



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Posted in Business cycle, Economy, Federal Government


An economic and history lesson

10 Jul

Why a depression is the cure that ails America.  Being prepared will help you ride out the inevitable. 

“Artificial measures to stave off a downturn will only make it much worse.”

Source: America Needs a Good, Old-Fashioned Economic Depression


Americans are skating on a thin financial ice

10 Jul

For many Americans who have not done so building an emergency fund is one of the most prudent things you can do now to whether the next economic downturn.

“A quarter of Americans have no savings, a new Bankrate survey finds. Find out how much emergency savings can help in a crisis.”

Source: Why These 2 People Are So Glad They Had Emergency Savings |

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Posted in Business cycle, Economy, Employment


The economy is barely hanging on

09 Jul

David Stockman shows the economy is not as robust as the data suggest. 

“The boys and girls on Wall Street are now riding their bikes with no hands and eyes wide shut. That’s the only way to explain Friday’s lunatic buying spree in response to another jobs report that proves exactly nothing about an allegedly resurgent economy.”

Source: Real Jobs Report: Tax Collections Data Suggest US Economy Barely Above Water

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Posted in Central banks, Economy, Employment, Federal Government, Federal Reserve, Politics, Taxes


The financial hole of state and local governments

09 Jul

And people still have faith in government–and Republicans and Democrats???  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  The federal government’s unfunded liability is more than $200 trillion. 

“If the Actuarial Standards Board enacts recommendations from its Pension Task Force, actuarial valuations for state and local government pensions will report unfunded liabilities of over $5 trillion a…”

Source: Are State and Local Government Pensions Underfunded by $5 Trillion? – AEI

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Posted in Democrats, Economy, Federal Government, Local government, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Republicans, State government


Hillary is continuing the great tradition of presidential candidates…

09 Jul

Presidential candidates and presidents always lie. For the past 100+ years, from Wilson to FDR to Truman and up to Obama, they have lied repeatedly about taxes, spending, regulations, and war.  (More to come in future posts)

“Does Hillary Clinton possess the integrity and honesty to be president of the United States? Or are those quaint and irrelevant considerations in electing a head of state in 21st-century America?”

Source: Is Hillary Morally Fit to Be President?