Archive for the ‘Federal Reserve’ Category

Open memo to Donald Trump

10 Oct

To:  Donald Trump

From:  Murray Sabrin

At last night’s debate you missed an opportunity to make the case that income inequality, reoccurring bubbles and lower living standards for both low and middle-income families are the direct result of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies.

At the next debate you should spend most of the night talking how the Federal Reserve has caused havoc in the US economy since it began operations in 1914.

You should take out a one-dollar bill and point out that it’s only worth a nickel today, because the Fed’s monetary policy has caused a massive decline in the purchasing power of the greenback.

You should also point out that the Fed’s manipulation of interest rates causes unsustainable booms, and when the economy overheats the Fed tightens credit triggering the inevitable readjustment in the economy, now euphemistically called a recession.

You should also point out that Hillary Clinton’s support of the Federal Reserve means that she endorses the massive redistribution of income from Main Street to Wall Street, because savers have been getting virtually zero interest rates on their savings since quantitative easing began in 2008.  Wall Street is the epicenter of crony capitalism in America.

You should point out that Hillary probably told the bankers in her secret presentations that when she becomes president the Fed will continue to keep the money flowing so they can reap enormous benefits from its cheap money policies.

You should also point out as you have in the past that the bubble we are in courtesy of Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen will not end well for the US economy.

You should say when I’m president don’t blame me for the next economic downturn, which will be caused again by the Fed’s reckless monetary policies. Recessions are not caused by tax cuts, spending cuts, or deregulation of American businesses.

And point out that the Federal Reserve enables the federal government to take on massive amounts of debt because it keeps interest rates low thereby reducing the Treasury’s interest rate expenses on the national debt.

And this is quite important Donald that you point out, the Federal Reserve makes it easy for the federal government to wage undeclared wars by pumping up the money supply to help pay for the massive military industrial complex we have that Pres. Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address in January 1961.

Donald, if you want to brush up on the Fed and monetary policy, here are a few suggestions for you to read before the next debate so you will have all the necessary responses to the moderators and Hillary’s cluelessness about how the Fed’s policies adversely affect the economy.

See the essays, articles and books about the Fed here.

I would start with Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money?, and Robert Wenzel’s The Fed Flunks.

Pointing out the truth about the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and crony capitalism would seal the deal.  And you know all about dealmaking.



Another failed monetary experiment

10 Oct

Source: The Euro Is Doomed

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Posted in Central banks, European Union, Federal Reserve, Gold, Money


Out of the blue?  

08 Oct

“Here are nine ‘black swan’ events in recent memory that profoundly changed markets, ranging from the Asian financial crisis of 1997 to the more current Brexit.”

Source: Black Swans: 9 Recent Events That Changed Finance Forever


How big will the next one be?

08 Oct

Source: The Next Recession Looms Large | Euro Pacific Capital

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Central banks, Economy, Federal Reserve, Inflation, Interest rates


An Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren on Gold Fraud

05 Oct

“The letter posted below is from Stewart Dougherty.   Elizabeth Warren on the surface purports to represent middle class interests by associating herself with the erection of the Consumer Financial …”

Source: An Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren on Gold Fraud

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Central banks, Economy, Federal Reserve, Gold, Money


Are we at the tipping point?

01 Oct

“THE WORLD IS ON THE EDGE OF A DEFLATIONARY BLACK HOLE The world economy is now at its most dangerous point in history. In virtually every major country or region, there are problems of a magnitude …”

Source: The World is on the Edge of a Deflationary Black Hole | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Central banks, Federal Reserve, Government debt, Money, Precious metals


Scott Garrett, Donald Trump and others on why the Fed is the problem

29 Sep

“Now that’s more like it. Echoing Donald Trump’s Monday night bull’s-eye regarding the Fed’s thoroughly political essence, Rep. Scott Garrett put more wood to Janet Yellen du…”

Source: The Fed’s Monetary Politburo Is Finally Catching Some Flack

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Debt, Donald Trump, Economy, Federal Reserve, Hillary Clinton, Politics


My Sept. 27 interview about Trump, Clinton and presidential politics

29 Sep

“As we have seen in the past 4 years and all throughout history, socialism doesn’t work. Quite frankly most of us understand the principle of redistribution of wealth is a robinhood effect. 6 years after the…”

Source: We’re Back! What’s Life Like Under A Trump Presidency


Yes Janet, it is a bubble

27 Sep

“Most of the 90 minutes last night was a waste—with both candidates lobbing well-worn clichés, slogans and sound bites at the audience and each other. But there was one brief moment that made …”

Source: The Donald Nailed It: “We Are In A Big Fat Ugly Bubble”


You decide which organization is the greatest threat

26 Sep

Source: Wells Fargo or the Federal Reserve: Who’s the Bigger Fraud?

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Posted in Banks, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Federal Reserve, Free markets


Bernie is right, but of the wrong reasons

24 Sep

“This is a gem of an article. Read it.”

Source: The Economy Is Rigged

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Posted in Banks, Bernie Sanders, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Federal Reserve, Free markets, Gold, Welfare state


Fleckenstein on the Fed’s reckless policies

23 Sep


Click on the video image below to view his interview.  Gets very testy at the end.

“Bill Fleckenstein, Fleckenstein Capital Founder, discusses why he thinks stocks will jump higher and shorting the market does not work.”

Source: Fleckenstein: Fed will blow up markets

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Federal Reserve, Precious metals, Stock market


Bear market in 2017?

23 Sep

“Money and credit growth in the U.S. has now become inflationary and is encouraging another bubble in stock markets, according to an economist.”

Source: The Fed’s ‘costly failure’ is leading to a 2017 bear market, economist says

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Central banks, Economy, Federal Reserve, Inflation, Interest rates, Money


This could be the time bomb that rocks the economy

22 Sep

Make no mistake, the criminality and fraud of most, if not all, DC politicians that is being exposed now is also occurring in corporate America and at pension funds, especially with regard to fraud…

Source: Wall Street’s Next Ticking Time Bomb: Pensions

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Central banks, Economy, Federal Reserve, Pensions, Public pensions


Danger for investors

19 Sep

“…anybody with any objective, critical, independent mind can tell this is an unsustainable, very ephemeral rally in stocks that has occurred since 2009. And when the bond market breaks, when that bubble bursts, it will wipe out every asset — everything will collapse together — because everything is geared off of that so-called ‘risk free’ rate of return.”

Source: Michael Pento: “These Are The Most Dangerous Markets I’ve Ever Witnessed”