Archive for the ‘Federal Reserve’ Category

Calling Bernie, read this book

25 Jul

“Last month, Philipp Bagus and Andreas Marquart released their new book…”

Source: Our Monetary System Favors the Rich and Hurts the Poor | Mises Wire


America Needs a Dose of Strong, but Necessary Medicine

25 Jul

The Fed’s easy money policies always ends in a bust…the sooner the better. 

Source: America Needs an Old-Fashioned Depression

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Posted in Banks, Business cycle, Economy, Federal Reserve, Gold standard, Inflation, Interest rates, Money


The Real Reason the “Rich Get Richer”

24 Jul

I have know this for more than 40 years.  The chickens are coming home to roost.  If Bernie had talked about the Federal Reserve, he would be the nominee.  Ditto for Rand Paul. 

“Time the Taskmaster DUBLIN – “Today’s money,” says economist George Gilder, “tries to cheat time. And you can’t do that.” It may not cheat time, but it cheats far easier marks – consumers, invest…”

Source: The Real Reason the “Rich Get Richer”

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Posted in Banks, Crony capitalism, Democrats, Donald Trump, Federal Reserve, Gold standard, Inflation, Politics, Precious metals, U.S. Dollar


San Francisco Review of Books: Socialism Destroyed

22 Jul

Robert Wenzel reviews Tom DiLorenzo’s new book.

Source: San Francisco Review of Books: Socialism Destroyed


What Donald Trump should have said last night

22 Jul

Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican convention last night could have been a lot shorter and focused on espousing the virtues of limited government and free enterprise.

First, Donald should have used several props, such as the first 1040 form, which was only four pages long. He should have said that a tax return of 1914 was simple and allowed the federal government to raise the funds it needed to pay for its expenses 100 years ago, when only 2% of the American people had to pay any income tax. In addition, today large and medium-sized businesses need an army of accountants and attorneys to comply with the tax code. That’s money that cannot be used to buy better equipment, modernize their factories, and thus make American workers more productive, which would earn them higher salaries.

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You can just call me Jeff

20 Jul

Tom DiLorenzo sent me a copy of his new book, The Problem With Socialism, with the following inscription.  You can hear Tom Woods interview Tom here.  This book should be a best seller based on my review of the contents.   I will read it ASAP and discuss it in a future post. 

Tom's kind words


An insider warns about excessive debt

20 Jul

“John Mauldin, Financial Expert, Best-Selling Author, and Editor of Thoughts from the Frontline Investment Newsletter. Offering Financial & Economic Analysis, Research.”


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Posted in Banks, Crony capitalism, Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve, Interest rates, Money


A gloomy assessment of the future

20 Jul

“Six Major Events That Will Change History By Egon von Greyerz   Investors globally have never faced risk of the magnitude that the we are now exposed to. But sadly very few are aware of the un…”

Source: Six Major Events That Will Change History | GoldSwitzerland

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve, Inflation, Money, Politics


Field trip with my colleagues to the Museum of American Finance

19 Jul

I spent this morning with three of my colleagues visiting the American Museum of Finance on Wall Street, down the street from the NYSE, the Trump building and a couple of blocks form the New York Fed.  Last week I joined the AMOF and will organize a trip in September for my Financial History of the US course.  I urge you to join at

Below are some pictures I took inside the museum.  If you will be visiting NYC, I highly recommend spending some time viewing the exhibits, which show how American finance was instrumental in creating our prosperity.


Bull and bear tug of war

Evolution of paper money

Evolution of paper money

Gold, real money

Gold, real money

Statue of Hamilton next to a room housing a collection of his works

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Posted in Banks, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve, Gold standard, Government debt, Money, Politics, U.S. Dollar


Ron Paul explains why Fed-exit would end the manipulation of the economy

18 Jul

Source: Don’t Reform the Fed, Fed-Exit!

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Posted in Central banks, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve, Inflation, Interest rates


The Criminal Rip-Off Called Socialism

18 Jul

Tom DiLorenzo’s new book is published today. 


Source: The Criminal Rip-Off Called Socialism


Debt is crushing the global economy

17 Jul

“Max Keiser Financial War Reports”

Source: [KR940] Keiser Report: Gold & World’s Debt Problems | Max Keiser

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve, Free markets, Gold standard, Government debt, Inflation, Interest rates, Money, Politics


A pessimistic perspective: war and economic turmoil

17 Jul

“On the surface, things seem pretty quiet in mid-July 2016.  The biggest news stories are about the speculation surrounding Donald Trump’s choice of running mate, the stock market in the U.S. keeps setting new all-time record highs, and the media seems completely obsessed with Taylor Swift’s love life.  But underneath the surface, it is a very different story.  As you will see below, the conditions for a “perfect storm” are coming together very rapidly, and the rest of 2016 promises to be much more chaotic than what we have seen so far. Let’s start with China.  On Tuesday, an international tribunal in the Hague ruled against China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.  The Chinese government announced ahead of time that they do not recognize the jurisdiction of the tribunal, and they have absolutely no intention of abiding by the ruling.  In fact, China is becoming even more defiant in the aftermath of this ruling.  We aren’t hearing much about it in the U.S. media, but according…”

Source: War Is Coming And The Global Financial Situation Is A Lot Worse Than You May Think


Here’s how the Fed could surprise you

15 Jul

Central banks’ manipulations are causing enormous distortions in the financial markets and the economy.  The next bubble bursting will be HUGE.

“Markets don’t believe the Fed will really raise interest rates this year, but traders may be missing something.”

Source: Here’s how the Fed could surprise you

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve, Free markets, Interest rates


US Dollar RIP?

15 Jul

Will all the Federal Reserve’s money printing lead to big collapse?

Source: Get Ready for Dollar Destruction and the End Game