Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

Is Hillary a goner?

10 Aug

Are the powers behind the scene ready to dump Hillary?



Will Hillary drop out?

08 Aug

Hillary is not healthy.  Will the Democratic bigwigs force her out?


Source: PHOTOS=> Hillary’s Handler Carries DIAZEPAM Pen for Patients Who Experience Recurrent Seizures!

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Posted in Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


The body count keeps rising

06 Aug


‘Call it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton they wind up dead. In fact, as we noted previously, there’s a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people dying under mysterious circumstances. While Vince Foster remains the most infamous, the body count is starting to build ominously this election cycle – from the mysterious “crushing his own throat” death of a UN official to the latest death of an attorney who served the DNC with a fraud suit.”

Source: Lead Attorney In Anti-Clinton DNC Fraud Case Mysteriously Found Dead

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


The truth comes out

06 Aug

“2016 is turning out to be a big year for uncovering deep truths that will reshape our world — a year where what could be the greatest opportunity to see through the corruption and deceit that plague the world of Western politics has presented itself. Below is an image from Wikileaks’ twitter page. The well-known group headed […]”

Source: Wikileaks Exposes Hillary Clinton’s Ties To ISIS Supporters & ‘The War On Terror’


Exposed: Hillary Clinton plagiarizer!

05 Aug

I took this photo of a exhibit at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, WY.  It is incontrovertible proof that Hillary Clinton plagiarized the title of the exhibit for her campaign slogan.



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Posted in Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


Hillary and Donald on foreign policy

26 Jul

“Unlike Donald Trump, the Democratic nominee’s ideas are frighteningly clear.”

Source: Hillary Clinton’s Dangerously Coherent Foreign Policy –


“No one is more of a warmonger than Hillary Clinton herself!” Jill Stein

26 Jul

The Green Party nominee will attract Bernie’s voters. 

“The release of those emails showing the DNC conspiring against Bernie Sanders sent the pro-Bernie demonstrators into a frenzy; Green Party activist Jill Stein made a play for their votes…”

Source: DNC 2016: for the demonstrators, it was like Woodstock – including the rain | Mulshine |

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Posted in Bernie Sanders, Corruption, Crony capitalism, Democrats, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign, Welfare state


Tim Kaine promises bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘first 100 days’

26 Jul

The solution to illegal immigration is simple. If you came to America without following the rules, you can stay in the country but can never become a citizen and therefore a voter.  In other words, you become a permanent guest in America.  If you are undocumented and commit a crime, you will be deported ASAP.  You must get a sponsor who will vouch for your character and be responsible for your “welfare” ASAP.  Therefore, as a guest in America you will not be eligible for any  entitlement benefits.   You will be able to work, start a business and raise a family just like legal immigrants. Guests would  still have to pay income, sales and other taxes just like other Americans. Children born in the US of guests do not automatically become citizens.  They are eligible for citizenship when they reach a certain age–to be negotiated.

As far as Social Security and Medicare taxes and benefits are concerned, this is where it gets tricky.  My preference is to exempt permanent guests from these taxes and benefits so we can begin phasing out the welfare state.  However, this would make it very attractive for employers to hire guests instead of legal citizens.  So the solution is to eliminate these taxes for all young workers in order to have a “level playing field” for citizens and guests.  Other issues can be negotiated by the next president and Congress.  

This will put on notice to anyone around the world that if you come to America in the future, uyou will be deported if you overstay your visa or enter the country surreptitiously. 

The general principle is illegal immigrants should not be rewarded for jumping ahead of others who have waited years to enter American legally.  

PS This issue could drive more voters to Trump in November.

“A new Clinton administration would pursue a bill to legalize illegal immigrants in “the first 100 days” of her tenure, vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine told Spanish-language network Telemundo in…”

Source: Tim Kaine promises bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘first

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Posted in Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, National borders, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Welfare state


Hillary Clinton: Class President of A Failed Generation

25 Jul

“NOTE TO READERS I am in the throes of finishing a book on the upheaval represented by the Trump candidacy and movement. It is an exploration of how 30 years of Bubble Finance policies at the Fed, f…”

Source: Hillary Clinton: Class President of A Failed Generation | David Stockman’s Contra Corner


Why is Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz Not Charged with a Crime?

25 Jul

Where is the justice?  A two tier “justice” system in America. No wonder the natives are restless! 

Source: Why is Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz Not Charged with a Crime?

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Judiciary, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


What to Expect from a Clinton Presidency: Anti-Libertarian Activism

25 Jul

A thirst for power and money.  That’s Michael Rozeff’s assessment of Hillary

Source: What to Expect from a Clinton Presidency: Anti-Libertarian Activism

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Posted in Corruption, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Government, Hillary Clinton, Regulations, Spending, Taxes, Warfare state, Welfare state


The Dems are being exposed by Wikileaks…

25 Jul

“Julian Assange has done it again: exposed the inner workings – and crimes – of our political class, that is. This time his target is Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, whose emails were hacked by a Romanian who calls himself “Guccifer 2.0,” and posted online by WikiLeaks. As revelations tumble out of the …”

Source: The Hunt for Red Trump-tober – Original by —

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Posted in Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Political parties, Politicians, Politics


Down with “Leadership”: Against the Election | Mises Institute

25 Jul

“The opening lecture of Mises University 2016. Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 24 July 2016.”

Source: Down with “Leadership”: Against the Election | Mises Institute

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Democrats, Donald Trump, Federal Government, Free markets, Hillary Clinton, Leadership, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


Tim Kaine:  economic illiterate 

24 Jul

Tim Kaine reveals he is another economic illiterate in the US Senate who may be the next vice president of the Untied States.  His statement  that the federal government “creates” jobs is absolute nonsense.  He also states: “We will make college debt free for everybody. We’ll rewrite the rules so companies share profits with workers rather than ship jobs overseas.”  In other words, more entitlements and more economic fascism.  He also wants, “paid family leave, equal pay for women and raising the minimum wage to a living wage ‘to keep families together and to bring them out of the shadows.’ ”  He and Hillary are economic authoritarians.  

“Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, while introducing running mate Tim Kaine in Florida, slammed Donald Trump and last week’s Republican National Convention as painting a dismal picture of America’s future.”

Source: Clinton Promises With Kaine: We Will Make the Future Better

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Democrats, Economy, Federal Government, Hillary Clinton, Minimum wage, Regulations, Socialism, Welfare state


Why Obama’s half-brother says he’ll be voting for Donald Trump

24 Jul

Cannot wait for the tv ad.

‘President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again — so he’s voting for Donald Trump. “I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post”

Source: Why Obama’s half-brother says he’ll be voting for Donald Trump

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Posted in Democrats, Donal Trump, Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Presidential campaign