Archive for the ‘Politicians’ Category

Another reason the income tax should be abolished

30 Aug

Tax breaks are always good because they leave more money in the hand of producers and out of the greedy hands of politicians to pay for the welfare-warfare state.  

“Apple Inc. was ordered to repay a record 13 billion euros ($14.5 billion) plus interest after the European Commission said Ireland illegally slashed the iPhone maker’s tax bill.”

Source: Apple Ordered to Pay Up to $14.5 Billion in EU Tax Crackdown

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Posted in Economy, European Union, Free markets, Politicians, Politics


You’ve been warned!

29 Aug

Source: How Jim Rogers Is Preparing


Black markets kill

29 Aug

In a free market, consumer goods are remarkably heterogeneous. We don’t just buy ketchup, we have to choose between regular, organic, reduced sugar, low sodium, and umpteen other variations. Just as importantly, we have to choose between Heinz, Hunts, Great Value, and other brands.”

Source: How Legal, Branded Heroin Would Make Drugs Safer | Mises Wire

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Posted in Black markets, Economy, Federal Government, Politicians, Politics, Regulations


Google protecting Hillary

28 Aug

“Google is being accused of burying internet searches about Hillary Clinton’s health.”

Source: Report: Google Is Censoring Search Results About Hillary Clinton’s Health

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Posted in Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


States face pension fund gap approaching $1 trillion

25 Aug

Gross mismanagement by the policital class.

‘State pension funds are looking at a $1 trillion shortfall in what they owe workers in benefits, according to new data from The Pew Charitable Trusts.”

Source: States face pension fund gap approaching $1 trillion

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Posted in Political parties, Politicians, Public pensions, State government


Got cash?

24 Aug

“Starting today, the Royal Bank of Scotland will become the first bank in the U.K. to impose a negative interest rate on depositors.”

Source: The Blessing of Cash

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Posted in Banks, Central banks, Federal Reserve, Free markets, Money, Politicians, U.S. Dollar


Clinton croynism

23 Aug

Bernie could have been the nominee if he hammered Hillary as the epitome of cronyism in America.

‘The Democratic Party often warns us that mixing big money and politics will corrupt democracy. They must have nominated Hillary Clinton to prove it. The Clinton Foundation was ostensibly set up to…”

Source: New revelations show a nation for sale under Hillary Clinton

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Posted in Bernie Sanders, Corruption, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Presidential campaign


Is Hillary done?

20 Aug

The case for a Hillary to implode.  Is Joe Biden waiting patiently in the wings?

“Its remarkable how biased the mainstream media is against Donald Trump. If you listen to the media, all his polls look horrible and his odds of winning are remote. According to the biased liberal media, Team Trump should be in panic mode.”

Source: Wayne Allyn Root – Hillary’s Done… And She Knows It


Rigged elections?

19 Aug

“The vote fraud problem is real and states have good reason to enact laws that seek to prevent it. Unfortunately, the Fourth Circuit’s decision to invalidate North Carolina’s law requiring valid picture ID undermines efforts at keeping elections honest and will embolden the forces that will do anything to make sure that candidates they favor win.”

Source: The Vote Fraud Problem Is Real And The Fourth Circuit Just Made It Worse


Too many coincidences

18 Aug

“George H.W. Bush knew the family of the man who shot Bush’s then-boss Ronald Reagan, in 1981. With the shooter now freed, it’s time, finally, to take a closer look.”

Source: Bush Angle to Reagan Shooting Still Unresolved as Hinckley Walks – WhoWhatWhy

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Posted in CIA, Corruption, Federal Government, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


More Clinton cronyism about to be exposed?

18 Aug

“Top officials at the Clinton Foundation believe the organization was hacked — causing concern that the data breach will show Hillary Clinton and State Department staff giving preferential treatment…”

Source: Possible Clinton Foundation hack could expose treatment of top donors

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Military-industrial complex, Politicians, Politics, State Department, Warfare state


Is Hillary a goner?

10 Aug

Are the powers behind the scene ready to dump Hillary?



Will Hillary drop out?

08 Aug

Hillary is not healthy.  Will the Democratic bigwigs force her out?


Source: PHOTOS=> Hillary’s Handler Carries DIAZEPAM Pen for Patients Who Experience Recurrent Seizures!

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Posted in Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


The war on the middle class

26 Jul

“Duped and Distorted DUBLIN – When you start thinking about what money is and how it works, you face isolation, shunning, and possible incarceration. The subject is so slippery – like a bead of me…”

Source: Unsound Money Has Destroyed the Middle Class

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Posted in Corruption, Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Reserve, Money, Politicians, Politics, Warfare state, Welfare state


Tim Kaine promises bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘first 100 days’

26 Jul

The solution to illegal immigration is simple. If you came to America without following the rules, you can stay in the country but can never become a citizen and therefore a voter.  In other words, you become a permanent guest in America.  If you are undocumented and commit a crime, you will be deported ASAP.  You must get a sponsor who will vouch for your character and be responsible for your “welfare” ASAP.  Therefore, as a guest in America you will not be eligible for any  entitlement benefits.   You will be able to work, start a business and raise a family just like legal immigrants. Guests would  still have to pay income, sales and other taxes just like other Americans. Children born in the US of guests do not automatically become citizens.  They are eligible for citizenship when they reach a certain age–to be negotiated.

As far as Social Security and Medicare taxes and benefits are concerned, this is where it gets tricky.  My preference is to exempt permanent guests from these taxes and benefits so we can begin phasing out the welfare state.  However, this would make it very attractive for employers to hire guests instead of legal citizens.  So the solution is to eliminate these taxes for all young workers in order to have a “level playing field” for citizens and guests.  Other issues can be negotiated by the next president and Congress.  

This will put on notice to anyone around the world that if you come to America in the future, uyou will be deported if you overstay your visa or enter the country surreptitiously. 

The general principle is illegal immigrants should not be rewarded for jumping ahead of others who have waited years to enter American legally.  

PS This issue could drive more voters to Trump in November.

“A new Clinton administration would pursue a bill to legalize illegal immigrants in “the first 100 days” of her tenure, vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine told Spanish-language network Telemundo in…”

Source: Tim Kaine promises bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘first

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Posted in Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, National borders, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Welfare state