Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Profiting from the misery in Haiti

13 Oct

“Long-secret emails just caught Team Hillary in another blatant lie — namely, the claim that Clinton Foundation donors got no special treatment from Clinton’s State Department. In fact, ABC’s…”

Source: The most damning Clinton Foundation story yet

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Poverty, State Department


Voter fraud? It is real according to election official.

13 Oct

Investigate!  Where are the intrepid media sleuths?


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Posted in Hillary Clinton, Immigration, Politics, Voter fraud


With allies like this…

11 Oct

“In a leaked email sent on August 17, 2014 by Hillary Clinton to her current campaign manager, John Podesta, who back then was counselor to Barack Obama, she admitted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

Source: Hillary Confirms Saudi Arabia, Qatar Fund ISIS In Leaked Email


Hillary’s shortcomings are…

10 Oct

“Last night’s presidential debate was the latest episode in what appears to be a prolonged infomercial for Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s..”

Source: Why Hillary Clinton Is Not Like Edward Snowden


Obama pulling the strings? 

07 Oct

“Ed Klein discussed his new book Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation.”

Source: Ed Klein: Obama Has a ‘Mole, a Manchurian Candidate’ in Tim Kaine

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Crony capitalism, Hillary Clinton, Leadership, Politics, President Obama, Presidential campaign


Scott Garrett, Donald Trump and others on why the Fed is the problem

29 Sep

“Now that’s more like it. Echoing Donald Trump’s Monday night bull’s-eye regarding the Fed’s thoroughly political essence, Rep. Scott Garrett put more wood to Janet Yellen du…”

Source: The Fed’s Monetary Politburo Is Finally Catching Some Flack

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Posted in Business cycle, Central banks, Crony capitalism, Debt, Donald Trump, Economy, Federal Reserve, Hillary Clinton, Politics


Hillary’s eyes tell the story

29 Sep

Source: Hillary’s “lazy eye” (strabismus) has struck again, this time in an interview on her “Stronger Together” airplane on September 27, the day following the debate.  This segment was aired on the NBC Nightly News that night. …

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Posted in Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign, Pundits


Sanders’ supporters say no to Hillary

19 Sep

Will Bernie’s pleas bring them to Hillary?  I don’t think so. 


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Posted in Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


How Bridgegate unfolded…bombshells to be dropped at the upcoming trial?

19 Sep

Source: The GWB scandal: A graphic narrative

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Posted in Chris Christie, Corruption, New Jersey, Politicians, Politics, State government


Watch Ohio

15 Sep

“This election could be decided by just one state — Ohio — and right now, it’s pointing to Trump, says Jake Novak.”

Source: Ohio may decide who the next president is—and right now, it’s pointing to Trump

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Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


Will the election be postponed?

12 Sep

“Dave: I believe the Deep State postponed the election today, using Clinton’s probably staged “health event” as the opening act of a drama that will unfold over the next several da…”

Source: Guest Post: Did The Deep State Postpone The Election?


Hillary is ill, a nincompoop or a devious deviant…or maybe all three

03 Sep


“FBI documents released Friday show that Clinton used her health problems as an excuse during questioning about her dangerously negligent handling of classified information.”

Source: Clinton Admits Mental Health Problem, ‘Lost’ 11 Classified Devices ⋆ The Constitution

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Posted in Corruption, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Politics, State Department, Uncategorized


Apple, Ireland and tax rates

30 Aug

More overreaching by the EU?  Yes indeed. 

“There is some chance that a ruling against Apple and Ireland could be a wedge that pushes Ireland to decide to leave the European Union.”

Source: Apple Might Destroy the EU – The Mac Observer

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Posted in European Union, Politics


Another reason the income tax should be abolished

30 Aug

Tax breaks are always good because they leave more money in the hand of producers and out of the greedy hands of politicians to pay for the welfare-warfare state.  

“Apple Inc. was ordered to repay a record 13 billion euros ($14.5 billion) plus interest after the European Commission said Ireland illegally slashed the iPhone maker’s tax bill.”

Source: Apple Ordered to Pay Up to $14.5 Billion in EU Tax Crackdown

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Posted in Economy, European Union, Free markets, Politicians, Politics


Black markets kill

29 Aug

In a free market, consumer goods are remarkably heterogeneous. We don’t just buy ketchup, we have to choose between regular, organic, reduced sugar, low sodium, and umpteen other variations. Just as importantly, we have to choose between Heinz, Hunts, Great Value, and other brands.”

Source: How Legal, Branded Heroin Would Make Drugs Safer | Mises Wire

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Posted in Black markets, Economy, Federal Government, Politicians, Politics, Regulations