Archive for the ‘Presidential campaign’ Category

Clinton feels the second “burn”

04 Jul

It’s not over till it’s over.  This could be one of the most damaging revelations. 

“Hillary Clinton’s closest aide revealed in a deposition last week that her boss destroyed at least some of her schedules as secretary of state — a revelation that could complicate matters for the”

Source: Huma Abedin admits that Clinton burned daily schedules

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


Hillary’s uninspiring campaign

03 Jul

Hillary’s message is really quite simple:  “I am a woman.  I want to be president.  It’s my turn. Now get on board!

“It’s a failure that some Democratic insiders find perplexing”

Source: Hillary struggles with going big in campaign message

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Posted in Federal Government, Hillary Clinton, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


Why they fear the Clintons?

03 Jul

Tom DiLorenzo may have the answer why the Clintons are the “Teflon couple”

“One of the first of thousands of Clinton administration scandals was that they were caught illegally in possession of hundreds of FBI files of all the Republicans in D.C.  We can assume that these were used by the Clintons to do as much political blackmailing as they could get away with.  There is no reason to believe that they don’t still have this information, and that they have gathered much more, using their vast wealth to have hired private investigators, something they were well known for doing.  When I was asked two months ago at a conference if I thought Hillary would be prosecuted, I said “no,” I expect that she will blackmail her way out of it.”


Source: LRC Blog

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


The body count does not stop

03 Jul

When will the media and the public wake up?

“John Ashe, a former President of the United Nations General Assembly, was found dead Wednesday just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case. While the U.N. claimed that he had died from a heart attack, local police officers in Dobbs Ferry, New York, later disputed that claim, saying instead that he died from a workout accident that crushed his throat.?

Source: U.N. Official ‘Accidentally’ Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


And Democrats ride the high moral ground with America’s political equivalent of “Bonnie and Clyde”

03 Jul

Why are people so afraid of the Clintons?

“She can’t help herself. Even yesterday, with the political world fixated on her meeting with FBI agents, Hillary Clinton had her flack mislead the public. A spokesman said she gave a “voluntary” ”

Source: Loretta Lynch falls under the Clintons’ corrupting influence

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Posted in Crime, Democrats, Leadership, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


If Hillary walks…

03 Jul

…any American who is investigated by the federal government or any level of government for alleged criminal behavior can invoke the “Hillary defense”, “I made a mistake and it is time to move on.”  A Hillary administration  would be the most lawless in our history.

“CNN Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe”

Source: CNN Sources: Hillary Clinton Not Expected to Face Charges in Federal Email Probe – Breitbart

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Posted in Crime, Federal Government, Judiciary, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


The last hurrah for the Clintons?

02 Jul

Were the Clinton’s set up?  Or are they just that arrogant?

“It’s common knowledge in law-enforcement circles that, while FBI staffers believe Hillary Clinton should face some charges over her handling of classified government information through her private…”

Source: Lynch may be forced to charge Hillary after Bill’s shady powwow

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Posted in Crime, Democrats, Judiciary, Politics, Presidential campaign


How Hillary became a proponent of the military-industrial complex

01 Jul

According to Hillary, Vietnam and Iraq were “mistakes.”  The deaths of millions of innocent people are mistakes in Hillary-world.

“An incorrigible belief in the purity of one’s motives is among the most dangerous endowments a politician can possess.”

Source: The Roots of Hillary’s Infatuation with War

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Posted in Constitution, Democrats, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Human rights, Military-industrial complex, Politicians, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Does this mean Hillary’s goose is cooked?

01 Jul

Here comes the Biden/Warren ticket?  If so, all hell is going to break out at the Democratic convention. Bernie’s people are going to go ballistic


“The move by Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch would eliminate the possibility that a political appointee would overrule investigators.”

Source: Lynch to Accept F.B.I. Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry, Official Says

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Posted in Democrats, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


Christie being vetted as possible Trump VP pick, report says

30 Jun

My choice for Donald’s  VP is New Jersey state senator Mike Doherty.  That ticket would do better than Trump/Christie.  Mike was an early Ron Paul supporter in 2008 and opposes the military-industrial complex , even though he is a veteran and West Point graduate., and he opposes the welfare state to boot.   I mentioned this on Joey Novick’s show last Monday.  This is a ticket I would be very enthusiastic about.

“A New York Times report explores how the New Jersey governor has become a powerful figure in Trump’s campaign.”

Source: Christie being vetted as possible Trump VP pick, report says

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Posted in Constitution, Military-industrial complex, Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state, Welfare state


Hillary Clinton Really Has Not Understood the Brexit Vote

27 Jun

Hillary is supposed to be one of the smartest women in the US and on the planet.  More evidence she is clueless.  


“As one who campaigned for a number of years for yesterday’s Brexit vote, that Britain should leave the European Union, of course I am not unbiased upon this subject. However, that also does mean that I’m aware, well informed even, on what actually happened here. And as such I can […]”

Source: Hillary Clinton Really Has Not Understood the Brexit Vote

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Posted in Economy, European Union, Federal Government, Leadership, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


Geege Will takes his “marbles” home

26 Jun

GOP primary voters have spoken and poor Georges doesn’t like it.  Can’t have the people choose their nominee.  


Paul Ryan’s endorsement of Trump one of the factors that drove him away.

Source: ‘This Is Not My Party’: George Will Goes from GOP to Unaffiliated | PJ Media

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Posted in Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Pundits


Ex-Soviet Economist on Comrade Hillary – LewRockwell

25 Jun

According to Yuri Maltsev, the choice in November is clear.


Source: Ex-Soviet Economist on Comrade Hillary – LewRockwell

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Posted in Economy, Federal Government, Foreign policy, National borders, Politicians, Presidential campaign


Five reasons Brexit could signal Trump winning the White House – BBC News

24 Jun

Why the pundits keep on getting it wrong.



Why Britain’s referendum on leaving the EU is linked with the US election and a possible President Donald Trump.

Source: Five reasons Brexit could signal Trump winning the White House – BBC News

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Posted in Economy, European Union, Politicians, Presidential campaign


Brexit Wins. Trump the biggest beneficiary? Era of big government over?

24 Jun

Did the Leave vote signal a Trump victory in November?  I think so.  Is national sovereignty the new global wave?  Absolutely.   

After the experience of the EU, people want to govern themselves and not be dictated to by a supranational agency.  The Trump phenomenon is our country’s “revolt” against the federal Leviathan.  

In his 1996 State of the Union speech Bill Clinton famously said, “The era of big government is over.”  (With the caveat that citizens should not fend for themselves. In other words, Bill wanted to have an efficient welfare state.) Republican members of Congress stood up in unison and applauded wildly.  Democrats sat on their hands.  Bill was 20 years early.  We shall see.

The results are in. The good guys won.

Source: Brexit Vote: The Betting Sites Were Wrong. So Were the Polls. So Were the Pols.

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Posted in European Union, Federal Government, National borders, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign, Welfare state