Archive for the ‘Presidential campaign’ Category

The Libertarian Party is dead. RIP

23 Jun

Justin Raimondo tweets about the CNN town hall with Gary Johnson and William Weld.

Source: Target Liberty: TOTAL ABORTION The “Libertarian” Town Hall Event on CNN

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Posted in Civil liberties, Federal Government, Libertarian Party, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Presidential campaign


Clinton money machine and politics

22 Jun

Hillary and Bill Clinton  are the ultimate political entrepreneurs.  In other words, they have used their political positions to enrich themselves.  The hackers have all the goods on them.    


Moments ago the newswires lit up with news that the Clinton Foundation was among the organizations breached by suspected Russian hackers (who in reality is just one hacker, and he is Romanian). Among the numerous documents leaked is a file titled

Source: Clinton Foundation “Hacked By Russians”, “Foundation Vulnerabilities” Document Leaked | Zero Hedge

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Posted in Crime, Democrats, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Military-industrial complex, Politics, Presidential campaign


Hillary and Donald on the Orlando massacre

15 Jun

Justin Raimondo examines the presumptive presidential candidates reactions to the Orlando killings and US foreign policy.

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Posted in Foreign policy, Middle East, Presidential campaign


Hillary’s emails matter

14 Jun

A historian puts Hillary’s emails in perspective.

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Posted in Politics, Presidential campaign


Will it be Trump vs. Biden?

14 Jun

Christoper Manion says yes.  

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Posted in Politics, Presidential campaign


Abolish political parties

12 Jun

In her column today Montclair State University political science and law professor Brigid Callahan Harrison calls for New Jersey state GOP to disavow Donald Trump’s presidential run. Prof. Harrison asserts that Trump’s intemperate remarks about Judge  Gonzalo Curiel, who was presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University, is enough reason for Republicans to abandon the Donald’s unorthodox campaign for the president.

At the end of her column Harrison quotes House Speaker Paul Ryan who states that the presidential campaign should be about ideas, not personal attacks. I totally agree.  Presidential candidates should offer their “vision” for the Nation and let the voters decide who should occupy the Oval Office.  So instead of two major political parties dominating the presidential campaign, let’s abolish political parties and have individuals run for the presidency on the vision thing.  Let’s eliminate presidential party primaries and have candidates go directly to the people in a general election campaign.

In this year’s race for the White House we would have several Democrats and more than a dozen Republicans trying to win the hearts and minds of the American people.   As far as how this will play out of  in the electoral college is anyone’s guess. However, shortening the political campaign would be a great relief to the American people.  And presidential candidates would be forced not to rely on the party bosses to grab their respective parties nomination but go directly to the American people for support.

With a substantial number of Americans unhappy with the presumptive choices who will be the Democratic and Republican nominees,  abolishing political parties would create a more level playing field in the presidential campaign.

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Posted in New Jersey, Political parties, Politics, Presidential campaign


The Clinton cash machine

10 Jun

Hillary and Bill Clinton have parlayed their “government service” into a veritable money stream river.  This essay highlights the machinations of Clinton, Inc.


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Posted in Politics, Presidential campaign


Hillary wants to run our lives

10 Jun

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said the  following about  Donal Trump:  “While he may have some catchy soundbites, his statements on the economy are dangerously incoherent.  They are deeply misguided, and they reflect an individual who is temperamentally unfit to manage the American economy.” (emphasis added)

In one sentence Hillary reveals her economic illiteracy.   The POTUS cannot “manage” the U.S. economy.  No one in the world can manage any economy, let alone our $19 trillion economy.  Imagine if someone said “I can manage your town’s economy.  Just give me the power and I will create a vibrant downtown with great boutiques, restaurants,and other shops.”  An economy thrives when entrepreneurs have the freedom to produce, distribute and sell and what consumers want.  This is called free enterprise. Politicians cannot create wealth.  Government cannot create wealth.  Murray Rothbard pointed this out decades ago. Free people are the engine of the economy.  

Throughout the primary campaign, I did not hear Hillary articulate any  statement that indicates she knows how an economy really works.  She should read Kel Kelly’s essay.  So should Bernie and Donald. After they read the essay, they would not make foolish remarks about the economy, interest rates, banking, etc.

As the general  election unfolds, I will continue to highlight Hillary’s economic illiteracy.  Yesterday, President Obama stated  in his endorsement of her candidacy, she is the most qualified individual ever to run for president.  That is a true statement, if economic illiteracy is the criteria by which to measure a “qualified” presidential candidates.



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Posted in Federal Government, Politics, Presidential campaign


A New York-New Jersey presidential race: Trump/Doherty vs. Clinton/Booker

04 Jun

If the American people want even more excitement in the presidential campaign this fall, Donald Trump should pick New Jersey state senator Mike Doherty, who endorsed The Donald way back in October when the pundits gave him no chance of winning the nomination, and Hillary Clinton, presuming she becomes the democratic presidential candidate despite Bernie Sanders’ vow to go to the Philadelphia convention and pull off the upset of all time, and survives the FBI’s investigation of her tenure at the State Department, should pick U.S. Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey as her running mate.

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Posted in Federal Government, New Jersey, Politics, Presidential campaign


Chris Christie’s 2016 game plan

16 Aug

In a closed-door meeting with the Republican National Committee in Boston on August 15, Chris Christie laid out the template of how the Republicans can capture the White House in 2016. According to the Wall Street Journal, Christie made the case for “a pragmatic form of conservatism.”  In other words, Christy is signaling he does not hold any deeply held beliefs, and that his current huge lead over Democrat gubernatorial nominee Barbara Buono in this year’s New Jersey race shows how he can attract women and minorities in a state where Barack Obama easily beat Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election.

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Posted in Civil liberties, Federal Government, Federal Reserve, New Jersey, Presidential campaign, Warfare state, Welfare state


Corey Booker…wants the “wealthy to pay their fair share”

05 Sep

At the Democratic convention, Newark mayor Corey Booker’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy so the federal government can spend more on welfare programs is emblematic of the morally bankrupt ideology of the Democratic party.  Shamelessly, Booker is another example of why most politicians are nothing more than slick Willie Suttons.

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Posted in Federal Government, Income taxes, Presidential campaign, Taxes, Welfare state


Romney-Ryan perpetuate the welfare-warfare state

22 Aug

In an op-ed, “Romney-Ryan worldview:  Reaganism on steroids,” Joseph Chuman, leader of the Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County, makes more economic fallacies and historical inaccuracies than you can shake a stick at.  President Reagan’s fiscal conservatism was all rhetoric.  Spending skyrocketed under the Gipper and taxes, especially payroll taxes, were hiked to “save” Social Security.

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Posted in Federal Government, Federal Reserve, Presidential campaign, Warfare state, Welfare state


Guest column: Why Ron Paul should not run for president as an independent

11 Apr

Ron Holland makes a compelling case why Ron Paul should not run for president as an independent.  Read the the article.

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Posted in Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state, Welfare state


Review of How to Win America for Ron Paul and the Cause of Freedom in 2012 by Allan Stevo

09 Apr

Allan Stevo has written an comprehensive campaign blueprint for liberty candidates.  Stevo lays out practical advice for Ron Paul supporters and future liberty candidates who believe winning elections will help restore freedom in America.  Unfortunately, it was published too late for this presidential cycle.  Stevo’s primer may have had a greater impact this year if it was published in mid-2011. 

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Posted in Federal Government, Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state, Welfare state


Ron Paul, the Supreme Court, Obamacare and Individual Liberty

31 Mar

How did it get this far?  Even a naturalized citizen like me and tens of millions of others who took an oath to uphold the Constitution can clearly see that the United States is no longer a constitutional republic with limited powers.  Article I Section 8, which enumerates the federal government’s powers, has been ignored by Congress and the Supreme Court for nearly two centuries.  Congress has passed laws that presidents from both major parties have signed that egregiously expanded federal power.

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Posted in Federal Government, Healthcare, Presidential campaign, Supreme Court