In his second attempt to win the Republican presidential nomination, Ron Paul is coming up short, based on the “official” delegate count so far. However, with several state conventions yet to decide the actual delegates from the caucus states, Ron Paul may have more delegates waiting in the wings to lift the number of delegates he will have at the Tampa convention in August and possibly be a kingmaker if no one has 1,144 delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot.
Archive for the ‘Presidential campaign’ Category
Open letter to Paul Krugman
Dear Paul:
I enjoyed reading your Friday (Feb, 23) column, “Romney’s Economic Closet.” You confirmed what many of we free market types have been asserting for months, namely that Mitt Romney is really one of your fellow travelers, a neo-Keynesian dressed up as an unrepentant free market guy. In other words, it takes a Keynesian to know a fellow Keynesian.
Dad was right
When I told my father in March 1997 I was going to run for governor on the Libertarian Party ticket, the first thing he said to me, “Remember, politics is dirty.” Dad did not have a college degree nor did he ever take a political science course. Dad was “street smart.” Read the rest of this entry »
Ron Paul’s message is resonating
Despite finishing fourth in the South Carolina primary, Ron Paul was upbeat during his speech Saturday night, giving one of his finest presentations as a presidential candidate. Ron hit all the high notes about his campaign and reminded his supporters that the cause of liberty will not be won overnight; it is a multifaceted process. Educating people about crony capitalism, the FED, the federal budget and entitlements, civil liberties, and our interventionist foreign policy so they will vote for the liberty presidential candidate may take more time than just this presidential campaign.
Moral Decay: Unchristian Christians and anti-Judaism Jews
The GOP presidential primary has revealed two inconvenient truths, namely, there are Christians who oppose the Golden Rule, ignore other fundamental principles of their faith and claim to be steadfast for “family values” as they support Newt Gingrich, and there are Jews who claim to be “conservatives,” i.e., advocates of limited government but support unequivocally big government overseas, while embracing most big government policies at home as well.
Why Ron Paul will win Iowa
With a little more than two weeks to go to the Iowa caucuses on January 3, 2012, Rep. Ron Paul is poised to win the caucuses because he is the most fiscal conservative candidate in the race, the most pro free enterprise candidate in the race, the most pro civil liberties candidate in the race, the candidate most critical of the Federal Reserve, the engine of the inflation and the cause of financial bubbles, and the candidate who does not want to go to war at the drop of a hat.
Neocons in a panic, liberty is within our reach
Justin Raimondo explains why neoconservatives prefer war instead of diplomacy, and why Ron Paul is the greatest threat to their reckless foreign policies. With Newt toeing the “party line,” namely, that the Patriot Act is the best thing since sliced bread, he has become the darling of the fear mongers. Rep. Ron Paul made the case why the American people should not give up their liberties for security, a principle the Founding Fathers embraced without reservation.
Newt is kaput and Jenkins is clueless
In this weekend’s WSJ, Holman Jenkins write about the latest GOP presidential candidate who has captured the imagination of conservatives, the Newt, who is a trough feeder at the altar of big government. Jenkins concludes his missive with the following, “…give us a candidate who starts out with sound economic principles in the first place. But we’re still waiting for that political rarity to appear.” This is another example of journalistic malpractice at the WSJ. Is Jenkins so clueless that he does not know what Ron Paul has been advocating for 35 years?
As Ron Paul surges, Romney’s noose is tightening in New Hampshire
Ron Paul has two paths to the GOP nomination. The first path is that he wins early . For this to happen and for Ron Paul to win the Republican presidential nomination, he must win Iowa and win or place a strong second in New Hampshire. Even a second place finish in New Hampshire, especially if Ron Paul comes in a close second slightly behind putative front-runner Mitt Romney in his backyard, would be a huge victory for the Paul campaign, because the Texas congressman could rightfully proclaim that he is now the front-runner.
Another reason the media hate Ron Paul, but did him a big favor at the South Carolina debate
By now, after nearly a dozen GOP primary presidential debates, every American has seen how the Mainstream Media hate Rep. Ron Paul because he is an uncompromising champion of liberty, sound money, free enterprise and a noninterventionist policy. In each debate, the moderators usually have asked Rep. Paul the least amount of questions, even though his ideas are resonating with more Americans, especially young voters, who have become his core supporters.
Ron Paul is right about foreign policy
Another article explains why Ron Paul’s foreign policy views are in the best interests of the American people. Our interventionist policies, undeclared wars, scores of military bases scattered across the globe and a huge military industrial complex are undermining are economy and causing hatred of America. The neoconservatives from both political parties really know how to destroy America.
You cannot make this stuff up
Christie endorses Romney, and therefore supports endless war and the bloated military-industrial complex
On October 11, Governor Christie endorsed “moderate” Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination for president in New Hampshire. A couple of hours later, Christie and Romney held a national teleconference for supporters.
Don’t support the pizza guy. He wants more of your dough.
Herman Cain’s 999 plan is the talk of the nation. GOP voters are going gaga over Herman Cain who has rocketed to first place in some polls for the Republican presidential nomination. According to Cain, his 999 plan is the first step toward imposing the Fair Tax.
Mitt Romney: Warmonger waiting in the wings
In the past three days, “moderate” Mitt Romney, the putative GOP presidential nominee, even though not a single caucus or primary has been held, has sounded like John McCain and other GOP elected officials who want to perpetuate America’s failed foreign policy of invade, occupy and rule other nations. Read the rest of this entry »