Herman Cain is on a roll. Leading in one poll or in second in other polls, the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO is now considered a serious contender for the GOP presidential nomination. His “rags to riches” life is resonating with a portion of the GOP faithful as a quintessential story of overcoming racial animosity to become a successful business executive.
Archive for the ‘Presidential campaign’ Category
Occupy Wall Street: You want to end Wall Street “greed”? End the FED!
Protests against Wall Street and corporate greed are spreading across America. The amalgam of protestors who have been joined by organized labor unions are complaining that America’s banks and corporate sectors are reaping billions of dollars in profits while unemployment is still hovering around 9%. Read the rest of this entry »
Just say no to Cain’s 999 plan, and why Ron Paul should advocate a 10-0-0 plan
Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO is now a top tier candidate according to the latest polls after he won the Florida straw poll a couple of weeks ago in a stunning upset over front-runners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
Christie not running for prez. Or maybe he is.
Last year, when speculation in the media began about a potential Chris Christie run for president, my initial reaction appears to have been correct…so far. At the time, I told friends and colleagues if the governor began to lose weight that would be a sign he would jump into the GOP presidential primary.
Is the fix in? Christie for president in ’12 and Lonegan for governor in ’13?
The recent report by Newsmax.com that Chris Christie is reconsidering entering the GOP presidential primary should not be surprising. For months, political insiders have been urging the first term governor of New Jerseyto enter the race.
Tom Moran’s lame critique of champions of liberty, Ron Paul and Mike Doherty
Tom Moran, editor of the Star-Ledger, New Jersey’s largest newspaper, does his best to be a journalistic “hit man” in his piece, “NJ State Sen. Mike Doherty’s Ron Paul endorsement is revealing.” Moran, an unabashed left-winger, lists a couple of Rep, Paul’s core positions—eliminating the income tax and abolishing the Federal Reserve. In addition, Moran correctly points out that Rep. Paul “considers Medicare and Medicaid” to be unconstitutional.”
Ron Paul and the Constitution
Today is Constitution Day. Although the constitution granted the federal government a few powers enumerated in Article I Section 8, the 200+ year experiment in “democracy” has been a failure. Now, the federal government has a virtual blank check—engaging in preemptive war, allowing the FED to create money out of thin air, creating Ponzi schemes, permitting sexual assaults at the airports by government employees in the name of security, and the list goes on and on.
Ron Paul is a Master of the Art of War, and Peace
Guest Column: Joe Sansone
Apparently Ron Paul is the only candidate that understands the Art of War.
Leaving aside the motivation for terrorist attacks against the U.S., let’s consider the foreign policy issue purely from a strategic point of view for the moment. Is the current strategy of endless war in the strategic interests of The United States?
Ron Paul and the seven clones
At Monday’s CNN/Tea Party debate, Wolf Blitzer said in his opening remarks that the candidates would get equal time to answer questions. For the first half hour or so, he appeared to have kept his word. After that, the debate turned into the Romney/Perry debate with Bachmann thrown into the mix to boost her failing poll numbers.
Ignore the pundits, Ron Paul is winning big
Despite being asked the least amount of questions at the NBC/Politico debate at the Reagan Library on September 7, Rep. Ron Paul is winning even though he is only third in the national polls. How is that possible? Because the other candidates are sounding more and more like Ron Paul as the primary season unfolds.
If history is a guide, Obama is toast in 2012
The latest Gallup Poll shows President Obama running neck and neck with top-tier Republican candidates Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann for the presidency in 2012. This is not surprising given the state of the economy, the out-of-control federal spending, the ballooning federal debt, the $1 trillion budget deficits, the frenetic money printing and the endless wars overseas. No matter who the GOP standard-bearer is in 2012, President Obama will be defeated next year if history is our guide.
The MSM are acting like the KKK in their treatment of Ron Paul
After nearly winning the Ames straw poll on August 14th, Rep. Ron Paul was ignored by the mainstream media on Sunday’s talk shows the following day. The straw poll winner, Rep. Michele Bachmann, was on every major talk show basking in the limelight as the MSM anointed her, Mitt Romney and Texas governor Rick Perry, who announced his candidacy for the presidency the day of the straw poll in South Carolina, as the three top tier candidates in the race for the GOP nomination.
The end of free speech in America?
Below is an excerpt from an interview with Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Deport, published in Investor’s Business Daily, July 20, 2011. Mr. Marcus in the interview criticizes the Obama administration for the torrent of regulations that is stifling small businesses and job creation.
Sizing up the GOP field: Ron Paul is the likely nominee
By Joe Sansone
It is time to give my honest (although opinionated) assessment of the GOP field. I have attempted to be as accurate as possible in the following critical description of the candidates and their likelihood of success. In essence, these are the pros and cons for each candidate as I see it.