Archive for the ‘Presidential campaign’ Category

The voters should demand a comprehensive medical evaluation.  Hillary is not well.  

26 Oct

“Top aide Huma Abedin warned the Clinton campaign team in a 2015 e-mail that Hillary was “still not perfect in her head” and would have to “stick to notes” during an event. The e-mail is among…”

Source: Huma email reveal: Hillary ‘still not perfect in her head’

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Posted in Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


The Clintons love to fly

26 Oct

All this info can be found in the Clinton Foundation’s 990 tax form posted on the foundation’s website.  


“Bob Woodard, the journalist who broke the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon to resign, has come out to say that Hillary’s Clinton Foundation is “corrupt” and…”

Source: Hillary Spent $25 Million from Clinton Foundation on Private Jets | Armstrong Economics

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Posted in Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Corruption, Hillary Clinton, Nonprofits, Presidential campaign


The New McCarthyism…led by Hillary 

26 Oct

“I’m often taken to task by some of my readers for characterizing the current anti-Russian hysteria as “McCarthyism.” After all, they say, Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right – there were, indeed, high-ranking individuals in the US government covertly sympathetic to the Soviet regime. And, yes, we now know that many of these were working directly …”

Source: ‘McCarthyism,’ Then and Now – Original by —

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Military-industrial complex, NATO, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Russia, Warfare state


Why Trump?  Scott Adams is against bullying, that is, Clintonistas.  

25 Oct

Source: Scott Adams’ Blog

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Posted in Corruption, Crime, Hillary Clinton, Individual rights, Politicians, Presidential campaign


Free speech means the government will not interfere with the people’s right to express themselves, even during political campaigns

25 Oct

“That anti-Donald Trump movie recently released by Michael Moore might have got him prosecuted by the FEC if not for the Citizens United decision, says a Cato Institute scholar.”

Source: Reverse Citizens United and jail Michael Moore? – Liberals are confused on campaign funding | Mulshine

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Posted in Civil liberties, Constitution, Individual rights, Politics, Presidential campaign, Supreme Court


Are the polls all wet?

24 Oct

“Helmut Norpoth still confident despite polls showing Hillary ahead.”

Source: Professor Who Predicted Last Five Elections Says Trump Has 87% Chance of Winning » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

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Posted in Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign


The stench of corruption 

24 Oct

“The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.”

Source: Prominent Democrat Connected To Clintons Donated $675,000 To Campaign Of Deputy FBI Director’s Wife

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Posted in Corruption, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


Laughing Hillary 

24 Oct

“Jill Stein blasted Hillary Clinton’s “laughter at the lynching of an African ruler” as “disturbing,” referring to a 2011 CBS video clip.”

Source: Jill Stein Slams Hillary Clinton’s ‘Disturbing’ Laughter at Lynching of African Ruler – Breitbart

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Posted in Hillary Clinton, Human rights, Presidential campaign, Progressives, Warfare state


Coincidence or something more sinister?  

24 Oct

“WikiLeaks Director and founder of the Centre for Investigative Journalism Gavin MacFadyen has died. WikiLeaks confirmed on their official Twitter account that…”

Source: WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen Has Died, Publication Posts Tribute [Breaking]

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Posted in Corruption, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Progressives:  Be careful what you wish for, a Clinton presidency 

24 Oct

“The Clinton campaign’s full-scale effort to turn this election into a referendum on Vladimir Putin is causing liberals like Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, and Glenn Greenwald, the energizing force behind The Intercept, much heartburn. Here is Ms. van den Heuvel wondering what the heck is going on: “How does new Cold War …”

Source: Why Progressives Love the New Cold War – Original by —

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Posted in Civil liberties, Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Human rights, Individual rights, Military-industrial complex, Neocons, Presidential campaign, Russia


Rigged elections?  Watch what they do, not what they say.

23 Oct

“Now that the issue of whether the Democrats rig elections is back in the news, let’s look back at a few pieces I wrote back when Al Gore was doing what Donald Trump is only threatening to do…”

Source: If you were Donald Trump you’d be worried about the Dems’ ‘brilliant ground war’ too | Mulshine

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Posted in Corruption, Democrats, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Politics, Presidential campaign


Hillary’s Achilles Heel.  Americans think she is a crook.

23 Oct

“Over half of American voters surveyed in a recent poll disagree with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over her emails scandal.”

Source: Most Americans want Hillary indicted for email scandal – poll — RT America

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Posted in Corruption, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Presidential campaign, State Department


Does the Deep State want Hillary’s campaign to implode?

23 Oct

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Posted in CIA, Corruption, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Presidential campaign, State Department



21 Oct

“How far will the U.S. media go to collude with the Clinton campaign?  How corrupt is the U.S. press corp? This research thread will answer those questions and more. Following the debate Hillary Cli…”

Source: Proof It’s Rigged – Clinton Campaign Caught Sequentially Seeding Presser Questions To Compliant Media…. | The Last Refuge


The saga continues

21 Oct

“Hillary Clinton solicited a $12 million donation from a government that her State Department considered corrupt, then realized the “mess” it would cause to her presidential run, a newly leaked…”

Source: Huma on Hillary’s $12M Morocco fiasco: ‘She created this mess and she