“Here is what it means to live under the Constitution today.”
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Let’s Make America Free Again: 230 Years After the Constitution, We’re Walking a Dangerous Road
Bill Blain: “This Is What Terrifies Draghi And Other Central Bankers”
“In short… it looks like full employment, rising inflation and signs of growth are going to force normalization, at which point the bond music stops and we all realise financial assets have been dancing naked in the Emperor’s New Clothes lap-dancing bar as the proverbial tide goes out! That’s a prospect that must terrify Draghi and other central bankers.”
Source: Bill Blain: “This Is What Terrifies Draghi And Other Central Bankers”
Why Is the Euro Still Gaining Against the Dollar?
“The primary purposes of the incorrectly named “unconventional monetary policies” are to debase the currency, stoke inflation, and make exports more competitive. Printing money aims to solve structural imbalances by making currencies weaker.”
Source: Why Is the Euro Still Gaining Against the Dollar?
Price Gouging and Property Rights – LewRockwell
“Price-gouging law has reared its ugly head in the wake of the flooding in Texas. This has totally overshadowed the alleged price gouging that occurred during the eclipse. The price of solar eclipse safety glasses was as low in the months before the eclipse, but rose to as much as $150 for the identical product on the day of the eclipse. And it turns out that prices for these glasses were higher along the direct path of the eclipse. Naturally, some eclipse glasses vendors were accused of price gouging because they demanded unreasonably high payments by exploiting unusual market conditions. …”
Source: Price Gouging and Property Rights – LewRockwell
Julian Robertson: “There’s A Bubble” And “It’s The Federal Reserve’s Fault”
Another clear thinking money manager.
“I think we are creating a bubble. It’s the Federal Reserve’s fault, and the Federal Reserves all over the world.”
Source: Julian Robertson: “There’s A Bubble” And “It’s The Federal Reserve’s Fault”
Hunter S. Thompson’s 9/11 Essay Is Still Chillingly Accurate 16 Years Later | HuffPost
“This is going to be a very expensive war, and Victory is not guaranteed ― for anyone,” he wrote.”
Source: Hunter S. Thompson’s 9/11 Essay Is Still Chillingly Accurate 16 Years Later | HuffPost
Irma: Forecasters should get the hell off the hype
If meteorologists were wrong on the track of the storm, can we believe the hype over man-made climate change 50 to 100 years from now? To ask the question is to answer it.
“Even after Hurricane Irma made a turn that spared the Florida coast from what could have been catastrophic damage, the media still pushed a scary scenario of Tampa Bay storm surge that never materialized…”
Source: Irma: Forecasters should get the hell off the hype
No, It’s Not ‘Moral Relativism’ to Oppose Nuking North Korea
“Warhawks wheel out an old, meaningless canard”.
Source: No, It’s Not ‘Moral Relativism’ to Oppose Nuking North Korea
Fed Vice Chair, Stanley Fischer…Exit Stage Left: “This One’s Gonna Hurt”
Deja vu, all over again?
“These guys, such as Mr. Fischer, are very smart and have pretty good timing… Remember, Robert Rubin, deciding not to finish out his term as Secretary of the Treasury and left the Clinton administration just a few months before the dot.com bubble popped?”
Source: Fed Vice Chair, Stanley Fischer…Exit Stage Left: “This One’s Gonna Hurt”
Hillary Clinton attacks Bernie Sanders in her new book
Hillary is going on the self-pity tour, and she wants people to pay to hear her kvetch.
Source: Hillary Clinton attacks Bernie Sanders in her new book—Commentary
Why Did Robert Mueller Obstruct Congress’s 9/11 Probe? – Antiwar.com Original
Another government failure. Or conspiracy? However, the truth will come out.
“Sixteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, we still don’t know what happened. How did a ragtag bunch of hijackers, armed only with box cutters, manage to gain control of those airliners? How did they get into the United States to begin with? Who supported them while …”
Source: Why Did Robert Mueller Obstruct Congress’s 9/11 Probe? – Antiwar.com Original
Why Presidents Campaign on Peace but Rule by War
“(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — If the United States government continues as it does today, bestriding the narrow world like a colossus, it will be stabbed through the heart by daggers inscribed with the nation’s founding principles — the words “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” shedding salty tears of blood from sullied steel. But I hope this day will not arrive. I hope we will soon stop simply damning war presidents as hypocrites and killers so we may take the time to see the complex reasons why presidential peace candidates continue to become warmongers. As a candidate, George W. Bush promised a humble foreign policy. But…”
Source: Why Presidents Campaign on Peace but Rule by War
Sanctions Are an Act of War – The Future of Freedom Foundation
‘If the Pentagon suddenly bombed North Korea, killing thousands of North Korean citizens, that would clearly be considered an act of war. Yet, when the U.S. government intentionally targets North Korea with economic sanctions that kill thousands of North Koreans through starvation or illness, that’s considered to be simply a peaceful diplomatic measure. That’s odd because from a practical standpoint, people are dead either way — from bombs or sanctions. Americans have become so accustomed to the concept of sanctions…”
Source: Sanctions Are an Act of War – The Future of Freedom Foundation