Source: Are the Conditions Right for Another Commodity Super-Cycle?
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine –
The following list was created by the Israeli rabbi Chananya Weissman. Many thanks to MC for the tip. 1. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical treatment, not a vaccine. I do not want to take a medical treatment for an illness I do not have. 2. The drug companies, politicians, medical establishment, and media have joined forces to universally refer to this … Continue reading →
Source: 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine – LewRockwell
Israel adopts law allowing names of unvaccinated to be shared
Israel’s parliament passed a law Wednesday allowing the government to share the identities of people not vaccinated against the coronavirus with other authorities, raising privacy concerns for those opting out of inoculation.
Source: Israel adopts law allowing names of unvaccinated to be shared
Woolsey’s Silly Conspiracy Theory – The Future of Freedom Foundation
Note: Join us for our conference “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination,” which begins on Wednesday evening, March 3, and continues regularly thereafter through April 21. Admission: Free. Our conference will hold 500 people. We currently have 352 registrations. If you want to attend, please don’t delay registering. R. James Woolsey, who served as CIA director from 1993 to 1995 under President Clinton, has just come out with a new book about the Kennedy assassination Continue Reading
Source: Woolsey’s Silly Conspiracy Theory – The Future of Freedom Foundation
Why “Stakeholder Capitalism” Is a Disaster for Entrepreneurs
The driving force behind the stakeholder capitalism philosophy is precisely that it creates opportunities for political actors to assert disproportionate control over the economy’s resources.
Source: Why “Stakeholder Capitalism” Is a Disaster for Entrepreneurs
Politicians Shouldn’t Be Managing Pandemics. They Will Bend Science To Fit Their Political Objectives
“The COVID-19 Pandemic In The United States Is Currently As Much A Political Problem As It Is A Public Health Problem.” The politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been overlooked in the health literature. University-based researchers from different quarters conclude political party affiliation is the strongest factor in the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is a sampling: Party affiliation was shown to drive policy decisions and impact COVID-19 infections and deaths across the US. University-based researchers concluded: “Future policy decision should be guided by public health considerations rather than political ideology.” A report published in the Journal of Health & Politics … Continue reading → Top Economists Warn That More Mad Money Printing is Coming This Year
America’s Stalinist Universities
In a recent article on entitled “Imposing the Steal: America’s Great Struggle Session,” Vasko Kohlmaher explained how a tool of twentieth-century totalitarians was “public humiliation and torment” of those with “wrong thinking.” The targeted individuals were compelled to confess their wrongdoing, apologize to society, and repent for the error of their thinking. The reason for this is that “To totalitarians truth is as the cross is to the devil.” Totalitarians “force their victims to give up that which is true and accept that which is false.” As F.A. Hayek wrote in the Road to Serfdom, in totalitarian societies “truth” … Continue reading →
Source: America’s Stalinist Universities – LewRockwell
Frontline Doctor: FBI ‘broke down my door’ in swat team raid of 20 men
Dr. Simone Gold related the nature of her arrest, how the distribution of experimental vaccines violates the Nuremburg Code, and why COVID-19 censorship is a ‘crime against humanity.’
Source: Frontline Doctor: FBI ‘broke down my door’ in swat team raid of 20 men
Biden climate policy on track to punish blue-collar America, prop up Putin, experts warn
“Trump’s pro-America energy policies were a disaster for Russia, and the truth is Biden is a godsend for Russia,” economist Steve Moore says.
Source: Biden climate policy on track to punish blue-collar America, prop up Putin, experts warn