In the same year as the 100th anniversary of Prohibition New Jersey voters will be pondering whether to end the prohibition of pot
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Unhappy anniversary: The centennial of Prohibition is history most people would rather not think about | Mulshine
The Afghanistan War Has Been a Tissue of Lies
“In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.”. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn This week, the venerable Washington Post newspaper revealed a bombshell, 2,000 page, secret Pentagon report detailing the astounding failure of US war strategy in Afghanistan, America’s longest war. Americans have been fed a steady stream of lies about the Afghan War, concluded the Post. So asserted this writer in ‘American Conservative’ magazine in 2003 when the US invaded Afghanistan. `We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking,’ admitted three star General Douglas Lute who commanded US forces in Afghanistan under Presidents … Continue reading →
Source: The Afghanistan War Has Been a Tissue of Lies – LewRockwell
America’s Forgotten Debt
Congress and the media obsess endlessly over whether President Donald Trump should be impeached. Both ignore $23 trillion of bigger
Source: America’s Forgotten Debt
US Net Worth Hits All Time High: Just 10% Of Americans Now Own $91 Trillion In Assets | Zero Hedge
Why Gold Still Matters
Central bankers dismiss gold as a relic, even as they buy up more of it. Politicians dismiss gold as money they don’t control and can’t expand. Holders dismiss gold as outdated tech.
Source: Why Gold Still Matters
Afghanistan report bombshell: US officials misled public about war for
“Senior US officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign — and hid “unmistakable evidence” that it was unwinnable, according to a damning…”
Source: Afghanistan report bombshell: US officials misled public about war for
What Low-Flation? Household Costs Are Spiraling Out Of Control
…and how do we pay for these spiraling out of control costs? By borrowing more, of course.
Source: What Low-Flation? Household Costs Are Spiraling Out Of Control
The ABC of a Market Economy
There are basically only two ways in which economic life can be organized. The first is by the voluntary choice of families and individuals and by voluntary cooperation. This arrangement has come to
Source: The ABC of a Market Economy