Source: Financial Storm Clouds Gather
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
US Defends Your Freedom By Using Troops As Saudi Oil Security Guards
If you’ve been lying awake at night terrified that the Pentagon might not send additional troops and armaments to defend oil corporations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, I’…
Source: US Defends Your Freedom By Using Troops As Saudi Oil Security Guards
Who Needs John Bolton?
Following John Bolton’s departure from the White House, Saudi Arabia’s oil facility was attacked by drones operated by the Houthi rebels of Yemen. Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo once again claimed that it was the Iranians who committed the attack without any supporting evidence. Make no mistake, the neocons are still in the White House and they want a war. The neocons or the neoconservatives want the U.S. to promote its form of democracy throughout the world and want to ensure its interests takes center stage in international relations through its military power. The neocons made a comeback with the … Continue reading →
Source: Who Needs John Bolton? – LewRockwell
Fed ‘insurance’ cut gets cold shoulder from markets
The Fed cut interest rates by a quarter point, but it also reaffirmed its rate cut was meant to serve as insurance for the economy.
Source: Fed ‘insurance’ cut gets cold shoulder from markets
Regional War imminent. (Thanks, Yvonne Lorenzo)
Elizabeth Warren and the Economics of Magical Thinking
I’d take whatever Bernie Sanders calls socialism over accountable capitalism any day, because rather than starve the dynamic private sector of resources, Elizabeth Warren’s vision stifles the
Source: Elizabeth Warren and the Economics of Magical Thinking
The Nationalist Case for Free Trade, in the Words of Classical
The founders of classical economics, namely David Hume (1711-1776), Adam Smith (1723-17790), and David Ricardo (1772-1823) and their British followers were fervent advocates of the principle of free
Source: The Nationalist Case for Free Trade, in the Words of Classical