Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Trump Says Fed Should Cut Rates “To ZERO Or Less”, So US Can Refinance Debt And Lenghten Maturities
Trump to savers: Screw you. Trump is showing contempt for the little guy who puts money in savings accounts.
Source: Trump Says Fed Should Cut Rates “To ZERO Or Less”, So US Can Refinance Debt And Lenghten Maturities
Why Republicans Are Powerless against Socialism – The Future of Freedom Foundation
If we are to believe the Republicans, they are all that is holding back the forces of socialism from taking over the United States and replacing a free and capitalist society with an authoritarian and socialist society. Nothing could be further from the truth. After suffering the humiliating loss of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm election, and having to deal increasingly with the fallout from the govern-by-Twitter pronouncements of Democratic bogeyman, Donald Trump, Republicans needed a bogeyman Continue Reading
Source: Why Republicans Are Powerless against Socialism – The Future of Freedom Foundation
On Trade, Both Trump and Warren Get a Fail
When you care about freedom, there are a lot of areas where politicians of both sides are two sides of the same coin.
Source: On Trade, Both Trump and Warren Get a Fail
Mueller Helped Saudis Cover Up Involvement In 9/11 Attacks: Lawsuit
Servant of the ‘Deep State’
Source: Mueller Helped Saudis Cover Up Involvement In 9/11 Attacks: Lawsuit
Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action: Marking 70 Years of Continuing Relevance
September 2019 marks 70 years since the appearance of Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, one of the truly great “classics” of modern economics. Too often a “classic” means a famous book considered to have made important contributions to some field of study and that is reverentially referred to but is unfortunately rarely ever read any-more. In economics, Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations is a typical example of such a work. Every economist and a good number Continue Reading
N.J.’s economic reality vs. Gov. Murphy’s rhetoric
Policy analyst and former Gov. Christie chief of staff says Murphy’s rose-colored view of the state’s economy isn’t exactly accurate
Source: N.J.’s economic reality vs. Gov. Murphy’s rhetoric
NY Fed President John Williams says low inflation is ‘the problem of this era’
New York Fed President John Williams said in a speech Wednesday that sluggish inflation is one of the central bank’s most pressing issues
Source: NY Fed President John Williams says low inflation is ‘the problem of this era’
Low inflation is better than accelerating inflation. But prices, in a free market economy, should be falling. The Fed inflating is distorting prices. It is the 1920s all over again.
The Libertarian Difference
How different are libertarians from liberals and conservatives? Quite different. In a response to my recent article, “Authoritarian Busybodies,” an astute reader writes: Liberals tend to think that libertarians are conservatives. Conservatives tend to think that libertarians are liberals. Libertarians tend to think that liberals and conservatives are equally authoritarians. I have heard something similar to this before, but never gave it much thought. I think that there is a lot of truth in it even if it cannot be taken as a general rule. For example, when libertarians talk about the free market, limited government, free trade, and fewer … Continue reading →
Source: The Libertarian Difference – LewRockwell
Asset Backward
State pension funds keep increasing risky investments—as pension debt mounts.
Source: Asset Backward
Study Discovers That If The Debt Machine Was Turned Off, The U.S. Would Immediately Plunge Into A Horrifying Depression
A new study has discovered that we are far more dependent on America’s great debt creation machine than most of us would have ever dared to imagine. Today, debt is involved in most of our