Source: Trying To Prevent Recessions Leads To Even Worse Recessions
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Elizabeth Warren’s Antitrust Crusade
Elizabeth Warren has made antitrust a major public policy issue in her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. She has argued that several high-tech companies such as Amazon, Google and Facebook are just too big and that they should be broken up by the Justice Department in a major antitrust initiative. Let’s be clear. Using antitrust regulation to break up large companies is an economic and civil liberties nightmare. Those who advocate such policies always fall victim to what Friedrich Hayek termed the “fatal conceit; that is, the assumption that regulators (and the courts) somehow know better than market participants … Continue reading →
Source: Elizabeth Warren’s Antitrust Crusade – LewRockwell
Fed rate cut could come sooner than some expect, but not yet
The inflationists are going to give the markets another shot in the arm? Will it work?
Source: Fed rate cut could come sooner than some expect, but not yet
There Is No Neutral Tax: Lessons from the the Amazon HQ2 “Subsidy”
Capitalism breathes through those loopholes . ~Ludwig von Mises
Source: There Is No Neutral Tax: Lessons from the the Amazon HQ2 “Subsidy”
The Generals Won’t Save Us From the Next War
The brass are careerists, never punished for their mistakes, quietly assenting to the latest doomed interventions.
Source: The Generals Won’t Save Us From the Next War
America’s Economic Commissar of Trade
In this he is no less of an economic tyrant than, say, Nicolas Maduro, the socialist dictator of Venezuela. He, too, rules by command and decree.
Source: America’s Economic Commissar of Trade
Federal Spending Tops $3 Trillion Through May for First Time; Deficit
Bipartisanship is bankrupting us.
Source: Federal Spending Tops $3 Trillion Through May for First Time; Deficit