Those of us who remember the peak of the Dot.Com bubble will recall the improbable pet-food companies funding at 100x multiples just before that popped.
Source: Blain: “Are We Finally Approaching The Top Of The Second Tech Bubble”
Those of us who remember the peak of the Dot.Com bubble will recall the improbable pet-food companies funding at 100x multiples just before that popped.
Source: Blain: “Are We Finally Approaching The Top Of The Second Tech Bubble”
Rachel Maddow doesn’t think John Bolton is being hawkish enough. John. F…..g. Bolton. On a recent segment about Donald Trump’s controversial phone call with Vladimir Putin, Maddow expressed concern for the way the White House’s mustachioed Thanos wannabe has been unable to push back against Russian interests in Venezuela with sufficient aggression. She discussed Trump’s nonsensical claim that Russia isn’t active in the affairs of its ally Venezuela (which propaganda mouthpieces like Maddow are calling “interfering” now), then went on a rambling tirade about how this impedes Bolton’s bloodthirsty instincts as though that’s a bad thing. Ship of Fools: How a S… Tucker Carlson … Continue reading →
Source: On Venezuela, Tucker Airs Anti-Interventionist Ideas – LewRockwell
“I think you’ve got an irresistible force meeting an immovable object,” Gundlach says of President Trump and China’s Xi.
Source: Jeffrey Gundlach says stocks are in a bear market, sees better than 50% chance for new tariffs
“I am so afraid of a democracy getting the idea that you can just print money to solve all problems,” Charlie Munger says.
Source: Charlie Munger: Be afraid when a democracy thinks it can print money to solve all its problems
Sometimes you have to congratulate the progressive left on their ability to turn that frown upside down. When the laws of economics hand them socialist lemons, they turn right around and make leisure
Source: Hooray! The Green New Deal Will Make Us Happier—By Shrinking the
Sure. Let’s invade Venezuela. Another jolly little war. It’s full of commies and has a sea of oil. The only thing those Cuban-loving Venezuelans lack are weapons of mass destruction. This week, leading US neocons openly threatened that if the CIA’s latest attempts to stage a coup to overthrow Venezuela’s Maduro government failed, Washington might send in the Marines. Well, the coup was a big fiasco and the Venezuelan army didn’t overthrow President Maduro. The CIA also failed to overthrow governments in Moscow, Tehran and Damascus. Its only ‘success’ to date has been in overthrowing Ukraine’s pro-Moscow government and putting a … Continue reading →
Source: A New Tar Baby for US? – LewRockwell
Behind the Huawei story, we must not forget there is a wider financial war being waged by America against China and Russia…Hong Kong is likely to be in the firing line, due to its role in providing China with access to international finance.
Source: America’s Global Financial War Strategy Is Escalating
But at least the stock market has been doing well, right?
“The USA can’t run out of dollars,” tweeted Stephanie Kelton, Bernie Sanders’s senior economic advisor. Kelton conveniently does not mention that carpenters can run out of wood, the stadium can run out of seats, and the airline can run out of fuel.
Source: Bernie’s Senior Economic Advisor Sees No Problem in Printing Unlimited Money
The Donald was at it again in Wisconsin this weekend, reiterating his patented boast that the US economy is booming like never before. We’re now the No. 1 economy anywhere in the world and it’s not even close,” he said on Saturday night at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “At the end of six years, you’re going to be left with the strongest country you’ve ever had,” he said. We beg to differ, profoundly. The debt- and bubble-freighted US economy is actually running out of gas after a long, artificial cycle of tepid expansion; and so far the Donald’s … Continue reading →
Source: Bubble, Bubble, Double Trouble – LewRockwell
“In the next several weeks, Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to issue his summation…”
Source: The Real “Bombshells” Are About To Hit Their Targets