“Back when Woody Allen made funny movies he made on called “Bananas” that had an amazing resemblance to the current situation in Venezuela.”
Source: Don’t go bananas on Venezuela; it will only encourage the crazy dictator | Mulshine
“Back when Woody Allen made funny movies he made on called “Bananas” that had an amazing resemblance to the current situation in Venezuela.”
Source: Don’t go bananas on Venezuela; it will only encourage the crazy dictator | Mulshine
One would have to have had his head in the sand for the past two years not to know that Donald Trump is committed to the idea of building a wall between the United States and Mexico. Trump famously said during his official announcement that he was a Republican candidate for president, I would build …
Source: Wall or No Wall
Endless war. Will Trump make Latin America the next battleground for the neocons?
Source: Venezuela Coup Attempt Part Of A Larger Project – Military Intervention Likely To Fail
I wrote the following essay after the June 2014 US Senate primary, which was not published by any of the state’s newspapers. In light of Christie’s new book, I thought I would make it available.
Socialism retains a righteous cache that makes it an enticing proposition for each new generation of political idealists. If we are to unfasten socialists from their faith in the inevitable historical march towards socialism, we need to do much better than accuse them of wanting to be benign Stalins.
Source: “That Wasn’t Real Socialism”: A Better Way to Respond to the Claim
As the partial government shutdown has continued to its record-breaking length, more and more people have found themselves discomfited, inconvenienced or harmed in some way by the consequences. That
Source: The Shutdown Shows Us How Unreliable and Harmful Government Can
According to many commentators, outlays by government play an important role in the economic growth. In particular, when an economy falls into a slower economic growth phase the increase in
Source: Government Spending Doesn’t Create Economic Growth
For most of the opinion-making class in America today, war is the default position. Representatives of establishment newspapers and TV news operations are – Sheldon Richman for Antiwar.com Original
Source: America’s War Culture
At the NJLP convention on March 24th I will call for the abolition of the 18 cent gas tax and propose the best alternative to current federal taxes.
My op-ed is published in The Record today.
The promise of America was to create a Republic in which the people would live as free and independent citizens in a compact of states – “laboratories of democracy” – with the federal government having a few responsibilities and limited role in the lives of Americans.
Before the states ratified the Constitution, Benjamin Franklin, a delegate to the constitutional convention, was asked which would it be, “a Republic or Monarchy?” Franklin was reputed to have replied, “A Republic if you can keep it.”
But it was not meant to be. America has been transformed into a one-party system with two wings, Democrats and Republicans, who vie for political power but have the same agenda, corporate welfare for their contributors and enough welfare dollars to keep the masses in check.
Nearly three weeks ago I received an email from the leadership of the New Jersey Libertarian Party inquiring if I would consider seeking the Party’s nomination for the U.S. Senate this year.
After weighing the pros and cons of becoming a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2018 with my wife and many close friends and colleagues, I decided on Tuesday to seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination at the March 24th convention, which will be held at Rutgers University.