The battle inside the Deep State.
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Former Top FBI Official Nukes Peter Strzok: “He Belongs in Leavenworth. He Belongs Behind Bars.”
Iraq, Syria, Iran…Are We To Destroy Iran Next?
“Years ago there was a plan, A Clean Break: Project for the New American Century (PNAC), to wreck the Oslo peace accords between Israel and the Palestinians and to re-mold the Middle East. It first…”
Source: Iraq, Syria, Iran…Are We To Destroy Iran Next?
Threatened US Naval blockade of North Korea represents the illegal starvation of a nation
“A proposed US Naval blockade of North Korea is an admission that sanctions do not work and puts the world on a course for millions of innocent deaths in both Asia and North America. More…”
Source: Threatened US Naval blockade of North Korea represents the illegal starvation of a nation
Target Liberty: Get Well, Lew!
Best wishes for Lew’s speedy recovery. Lew helped create at least one generation of Austrian Economics scholars since the founding of the Mises Institute in 1982. Lew also provided a platform for scholars and others to bring libertarian ideas to the public’s attention.
Source: Target Liberty: Get Well, Lew!
Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Ron Wyden take on the mass surveillance state
“We have always considered ourselves the bipartisan duo to keep hammering the message that we can’t give up liberty for security.”
Source: Republican Rand Paul and Democrat Ron Wyden take on the mass surveillance state
Gold Will Soar… As China Kneecaps the Dollar
“China is about to launch a new alternative financial system—here’s how it could mortally wound the US dollar.”
Source: Gold Will Soar… As China Kneecaps the Dollar
Yes, the FBI is America’s secret police
“How long until we see Priuses with “Support Your Secretive All-Powerful Federal Agents” bumper stickers?”
Source: Yes, the FBI is America’s secret police
Druckenmiller: Central banks are financial world’s ‘Darth Vader,’ creating exploding asset bubbles
“Stanley Druckenmiller believes the Federal Reserve should raise interest rates and normalize monetary policy.”
Source: Druckenmiller: Central banks are financial world’s ‘Darth Vader,’ creating exploding asset bubbles
There Can Be No Compromise
Mises’s insightful essay about how “centrist” policies will lead to socialism if they are not replaced with free markets.
Source: There Can Be No Compromise | Mises Wire
The Anarcho-Capitalist Case for Supporting the Government Smashing of Bitcoin and Other E-Currencies
It’s Official: Bitcoin Surpasses “Tulip Mania”, Is Now The Biggest Bubble In World History | Zero Hedge
“Bitcoin prices have again more than doubled. Its price has now gone up over 17 times this year, 64 times over the last three years and superseded that of the Dutch Tulip’s climb over the same time frame.”