“Americans rolled over for decades while we gave the executive branch unreviewable authority to kill – now that power is in the hands of an idiot.”
Source: Taibbi: New Drone Strikes Underscore How Much Power We Give Trump
“Americans rolled over for decades while we gave the executive branch unreviewable authority to kill – now that power is in the hands of an idiot.”
Source: Taibbi: New Drone Strikes Underscore How Much Power We Give Trump
A victory against legal plunder.
It’s deja vu all over again.
Source: Fed’s Kaplan Fears “Excessive Financial Imbalances”, Warns “We Are Vulnerable To Rapid Reversals”
I was interviewed about state taxes just before the November election. Robert Wenzel had this to say about the segment at www.economicpolicyjournal.com:
Murray Sabrin, professor of finance in the Anisfield School of Business, Ramapo College, is just great when it comes to explaining things from a limited government, free market perspective and New Jersey media is beginning to recognize that. He is being asked to appear more and more often on New Jersey news outlets. In the below clip, he appears twice first near the start and then again toward the end.
Beware trickle down taxation!
Trump is on the road to a one-term presidency if he intervenes further in the Middle East.
“During the campaign Donald Trump promised to defeat ISIS and then stop meddling in the Mideast; now that ISIS is fading, will he declare victory or get suckered by the Saudis into another losing war?
Source: The Mideast: Will Trump quit when he’s ahead? |Mulshine
Tom Moran’s analysis misses a key point: If Murhpy wants to increase spending, then all taxpayers should pay for them, not just upper-income individuals and families. Murphy’s tax plan would make Willie Sutton proud.
“Democrats are going wobbly. The reason is the Republican tax plan would end the deduction for state income taxes, and increase the risk that the rich might flee from high-tax states like New Jersey.”
Source: N.J.’s millionaires’ tax hike is losing support | Moran
“Just as there are concerns about ‘fake news’ dominating social media, there is a risk of ‘fake’, statistics driving out better quality ones in public discourse. Actions by economic agents could become less anchored to actual activity and more prone to manias and panics.”
Source: “Not Our Fault” – ECB Says “Fake Data” Is To Blame For The Coming “Manias And Panics”
George W. Bush’s immoral invasion of Iraq.
Source: Tomgram: Rebecca Gordon, The Annals of Rehabilitation | TomDispatch
U.S. foreign policy is complicit in a humanitarian disaster in the Middle East.
Source: Target Liberty: New York Times Puff Piece on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
“Frankly, there is far too much guff and nonsense about the US yield curve… so, it’s time for me to scare you some more, and add some Blain mumbo-jumbo to the mix. It’s pretty simple…”
Source: Blain: “Stop Worrying About The Yield Curve, Something Much Worse Is Around The Corner”