Source: Revealed: How The Russians Stole Our Election
“The U.S. government may pretend to respect a “rules-based” global order, but the only rule Washington seems to follow is “might makes right” — and the CIA has long served as a chief instigator and enforcer, writes Nicolas J.S. Davies. By Nicolas J.S. Davies As the recent PBS documentary…”
Source: How America Spreads Global Chaos
Three things should be done regarding taxes, CUT, CUT, CUT, until they are zero.
Abolish the federal income tax and there will be no need to negotiate over deductions.
“The Donald failed to anticipate the unintended consequences of the tax hikes in a plan that was supposed to reduce taxation; it’s a plan that could mean the collapse of the housing industry.”
Source: Trump putting tax-hike cart before the tax-cut horse
“Wise folks avoid Baltimore, given a story Bill Martin sent me. “The heart of [its] tourism industry,” the Inner Harbor, turned into a nightmare for a visiting family of 10 earlier this month. Out of nowhere, they were swarmed and beaten by a large number of teenagers. … “They swarmed us,” said Stacey. “They hit my husband in the head. They knocked him out… and then it was just complete bedlam.” … The 10 family members, from grandparents to grandchildren, were walking … when they were overwhelmed. “And they punched my nephew in the face and knocked him to the … ”
Source: The Words You’re Hunting Are “Second Amendment” – LRC Blog
“So the modern world may be increasing in technological knowledge, but, paradoxically, it is making things a lot more unpredictable.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder “Success brings an asymmetry: you now have a lot more to lose than to gain. You are hence fragile.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things…”
Abolish the income tax…which punishes people for being successful.
Source: House majority leader: We shouldn’t punish people for success
The devil is in the details. Let’s see if there is tax relief in the tax bill Congress is writing.
Source: Donald Trump Wants to Raise Your Taxes – The New York Times
“There is a growing mood of self-confidence in Baghdad which I have not seen here since I first visited Iraq in 1977. The country seemed then to be heading for a peaceful and prosperous future thanks to rising oil revenues. It only became clear several years later that Saddam Hussein was a monster of cruelty with a […]”
Source: Iraq may be coming to the end of 40 years of war
No kidding.
“Dear John: Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen misses more than you said in a recent column. She overestimates the strength of the job market, and is underestimating the amount of inflation in part of…”
Source: Janet Yellen has made a lot of mistakes
Republicans are big spenders. Period.
“Trump wanted to cut $1.7 trillion out of the budget. The House Republicans just countered by cutting nothing. What happened?”
Source: How the GOP Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Spending
“Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton… There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING!”
Source: Trump Heralds GOP “Anger, Unity” As WSJ Warns Dems “The Russian Dossier Dam Is Breaking”