Archive for the ‘Warfare state’ Category

GOP convention begins…

19 Jul

and Robert Wenzel tells it like it is…a beating of the war drums.  I heard Sen. Jodi Ernst speak, and it was clear why Trump did not choose her as the VP.  She is a terrible speaker. 

Source: Target Liberty: Republican Convention Night One: Insanity


Thumbs down for both Donald and Hillary

18 Jul

“In both their policies and personalities, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the natural offspring of the upside-down incentives of the political plunderland that the American system has degenerated into: where governance is perverted into a regime of kleptocratic power-grabbing and the paternalistic social engineering of human relationships.”

Source: Donald and Hillary in Plunderland | Foundation for Economic Education


“The Saudis Did 9/11″…

18 Jul

Or “ally” in the Middle East…With allies like the Saudis who need enemies?

“News reports about the recently released 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks are typically dismissive: this is nothing new, it’s just circumstantial evidence, and there’s no “smoking gun.” Yet given what the report actually says – and these news accounts are remarkably sparse when it comes to verbatim quotes – it’s […]”

Source: The Saudis Did 9/11 – Original by —


Will this be the tripwire for a greater Middle East conflict?  

17 Jul

“Moments ago, a Turkish government official said the commander of the critical Incirlik airbase, used by U.S.-led coalition jets to conduct bombing runs against the Islamic State, has been arrested.  Meanwhile, Erdogan’s…”

Source: “A Gift From God” – Erdogan Arrests 6,000 In Historic “Systemic Purge”, Incirlik Airbase Commander Detained | Zero Hedge

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Posted in CIA, Foreign policy, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Warfare state


Debunking Washington’s Big Lie

17 Jul

The federal government needs a foreign foe to take the people’s minds off the rotten domestic polices, maintain and build up the military-industrial comple  and do the bidding of our so-called allies. 

“By Jeff Faux at the Nation Where are you from?” the elderly man asked politely, as my wife and I strolled through his small Iranian village in early May. “America,” I answered. “Wonderful,” he said…”

Source: Debunking Washington’s Big Lie—–Why Iran Is Not Our Enemy | David Stockman’s Contra Corner


A pessimistic perspective: war and economic turmoil

17 Jul

“On the surface, things seem pretty quiet in mid-July 2016.  The biggest news stories are about the speculation surrounding Donald Trump’s choice of running mate, the stock market in the U.S. keeps setting new all-time record highs, and the media seems completely obsessed with Taylor Swift’s love life.  But underneath the surface, it is a very different story.  As you will see below, the conditions for a “perfect storm” are coming together very rapidly, and the rest of 2016 promises to be much more chaotic than what we have seen so far. Let’s start with China.  On Tuesday, an international tribunal in the Hague ruled against China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.  The Chinese government announced ahead of time that they do not recognize the jurisdiction of the tribunal, and they have absolutely no intention of abiding by the ruling.  In fact, China is becoming even more defiant in the aftermath of this ruling.  We aren’t hearing much about it in the U.S. media, but according…”

Source: War Is Coming And The Global Financial Situation Is A Lot Worse Than You May Think


An insightful assessment of our political culture

16 Jul

Law professor Butler Shaffer tells it like it is regarding our anti-humane culture.

Source: Thought Control

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Posted in Civil liberties, Corruption, Donal Trump, Hillary Clinton, Individual rights, Politicians, Politics, Progressives, Warfare state, Welfare state


This is as bad as it gets

16 Jul

“Is the Real Scandal the Clinton Foundation?,” TRNN, July 8, 2016.Michael Hudson says the media has failed to look beyond the emails and into potential conflicts of interest during Hillary…”

Source: The Clinton Foundation?


Hillary is the neocon in the presidential race

16 Jul

“As political leaders across the world swear to engage in total war against Isis in the wake of the massacre in Nice, not enough notice is being taken of the fact that the long-term prospects of the… ”

Source: A Hillary Clinton presidency could end up letting Isis off the hook

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Posted in Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Politics, President Obama, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Thumbs down for “maverick” Trump

16 Jul

How Trump blew his credibility by picking Pence.

Source: Dead Man Walking


Trump Says He Would Ask for a Declaration of War

15 Jul

More war?  Haven’t the American people rallied around Trump because he has been critical of our undeclared wars? 

Source: Target Liberty: MAD DOG: Trump Says He Would Ask for a Declaration of War

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Posted in Donald Trump, Foreign policy, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Warfare state


Murray Rothbard had Newt’s number in 1994

13 Jul

Source: Target Liberty: Murray Rothbard on Newt Gingrich

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Economy, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Trade, Warfare state, Welfare state


Phoney , baloney and BS from DC exposed

13 Jul

“Remember “We’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here”? That was the justification for the worldwide war on terrorism the Bush administration trumpeted in the early days of the post-9/11 era. Keeping in mind that the American people don’t really care about what goes on thousands of miles away, […]”

Source: The Myth of the ‘War on Terrorism’ – Original

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Foreign policy, Middle East, Military-industrial complex, Neocons, Warfare state


Hillary wants the military-industrial complex support

12 Jul

“Some close to Mrs. Clinton say she was always likely to have someone with military experience on her vice-presidential shortlist.”

Source: James Stavridis, Retired Admiral, Is Being Vetted as Hillary Clinton’s Running Mate – The New York Times

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Posted in Crony capitalism, Democrats, Federal Government, Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton, Military-industrial complex, Politics, Presidential campaign, Warfare state


Bernie supports military Keynesianism

12 Jul

Bernie the peace candidate? Fuggedaboudit.

“The Democratic socialist senator has good reason to support the F-35 fighter jet program for Vermont. It’s all about jobs and the economy.”

Source: Why Bernie Sanders is backing a $1.5 trillion military boondoggle